MechChem Africa May 2019
Asset, maintenance and risk management 8 Why bother with failure analysis? MechChem Africa welcomes new columnist Tim J Carter, who will be presenting a quarterly column titled Failure and how to avoid it. Here he introduces failure analysis and why it offers value for money. 10 Assessing bearing condition using CF+ 12 Cost-effective maintenance free dust extraction solution 13 Latest in ultrasound technology from SDT Materials handling 14 FLSmidth doubles size of Supercenter in Delmas MechChem Africa reports on the opening of FLSmidth’s expanded Delmas Supercenter, along with the release of the company’s SAGwise™ process control solution for semi-autonomous grinding mills and its new cloud-connected Raptor cone crushing systems. 17 Mato makes its mark in belt cleaners 18 Chemical powders de-lumped with bulk conditioner 19 CDE unveils world’s first all-in-one wet processing system 20 Plant efficiency at risk without careful chute design 21 HPE offers McCloskey products for various applications Corrosion and coatings 22 Electrocoating success for PE-based family business MechChem Africa talks to Electrocoat MD, Angelique Adcock, about the process and the company’s business success. Heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning 24 VSDs, magnetic bearings and low GWP refrigerants Russell Hattingh of Johnson Controls highlights the advances driving innovation in the HVAC industry in the immediate future and how these come together in the most energy efficiency chiller in the world, the YORK YZ. 26 Optimising datacentre cooling Veolia Water Technologies, which has been behind some of southern Africa’s most important and forward-thinking water and wastewater treatment plants, celebrates 20 years of business in South Africa this year with a renewed strategic focus. Special report 30 Cummins launches state-of-the-art premises at Waterfall To ‘Challenge the Impossible’ was the theme when Cummins SouthernAfrica recently launched its state-of-the-art premises in the Waterfall Logistics Precinct in Waterfall City, Gauteng. Innovative engineering 34 Moving targets for aviation MROs Mark Martin of Swedish software solutions provider, IFS,unpacks developments to help fleet management and maintenance companies in the aviation industry to succeed. REGULARS 2 Comment: The environment crisis demands a response 4 On the cover: APE Pumps: submersible and fire suppression pumping solutions APE Pumps adds submersible dewatering and fire suppression pumps to its local offering. 6 SAIChE News: Project risk management and compliance 32 Product and industry news 36 Back page: I4.0 partnership between MESA and AAF Water and wastewater processing 28 20 years in SA and future Ambitions for Africa
Published monthly by Crown Publications cc Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Streets Bedford Gardens 2007 PO Box 140, Bedfordview, 2008 Tel: +27 11 622 4770 e-mail: Editor: Peter Middleton e-mail: Assistant editor: Phila Mzamo e-mail: Advertising: Brenda Karathanasis e-mail: Design: Darryl James Publisher: Karen Grant Deputy publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Circulation: Brenda Grossmann The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editors. P U B L I C A T I O N S CR O WN P U B L I C A T I O N S CR O WN 2015/02/10 01:17:09PM
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Transparency You Can See Average circulation January-March 2019: 5 168 Printed by: Tandym Print, Cape Town
Front cover: APE Pumps Contact: John Montgomery +27 11 824 4810
Publisher of the Year 2018 (Trade Publications)
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