MechChem Africa May-June 2021
⎪ Minerals processing and materials handling ⎪
Raising beneficiation efficiencies in coal With South Africa now working hard to contain the cost of its coal-fired power generation, efficiencies are vital throughout the value chain – not least in beneficiation.With over a century of experience in the coal sector, MBE Minerals Group is well positioned to provide fit-for-application solutions.
W ith South Africa now working hard to contain the cost of its coal-fired power generation, efficiencies are vital through - out the value chain–not least inbeneficiation. This means continuous improvement in coal beneficiation technology and regular equipment upgrades in plants will become more important, according to MBE Minerals SA managing director Johannes Kottmann. With over a century of experience in the coal sector, MBE Minerals SA has built up a wide footprint of vibrating screens in Africa for sizing, scalping, dewatering and media recovery. It also provides destoning solutions to customers. “Among the company’s innovations is the side plate mounted drive, a much lighter op- tion to using vibratormotors,” says Kottmann. “Thescreens canalsobesuppliedwithvibrator motors if necessary, while resonance screens offer the added benefit of lower power consumption.” All types of screening surfaces can be ac- commodated, with each screen incorporating mechanical design features such as vibration dampening, side plates, cross members and the appropriate feed and discharge chutes. He notes that MBE Minerals is actively engaged with developments in coal ben- eficiation technology through its interna- tional network, including the MBE Coal and Minerals’ Research and Development Centre in Cologne, Germany. “This centre consults with customers globally in terms of optimum processing solutions, with the support of an in-house laboratory and pilot test work facili- ties,” he says. The centre also offers customer training, whichcan range fromgeneralmineral processing to maintenance of MBE Minerals’ equipment. “In addition to designing, engineering and supplying equipment,MBEMinerals conducts
Dual feed and product discharge for a 6.0 m wide BATAC ® Jig in a coal application. Electronic control of the air pulse generator and sensing of the thicknesses and densities of the layers improves separation accuracy.
projects on a turnkey or EPC basis,” he notes. The company can also operate complete coal processing plants. It is particularlywell known for its BATAC ® jig technology, which delivers high separation efficiencies and improved product quality, as well as high availability and throughput. This technology’s ease of operation, robust design and economical maintenance cost have also been important factors in its success. The company developed theBATAC ® jig to overcome the limitations of early stratifica - tion technologies, which achieved separation either bymoving the entire jigging bed screen or throughwater pulsation generated in an air chamber beside the jigging bed. “The separation accuracy of BATAC ® jigs is due to electronic control of the air pulse gen- erator and sensing of the thickness and den- sities of the material layers being separated,” he says. The under-bed pulsated BATAC ® jig has proved ideal for coarse applications from 150mmdown to fine coal in the 10 to 0.5mm size range, with throughput rates of between 100 and 1 200 tph. MBEMineralshas alsodevelopeda reliable
and economical solution for destoning raw coal – the ROMJIG ® – which has produced impressive results in extensive testing around the world. It achieves an overall reduction in thenumber of stones handled, saysKottmann, and there are indications of a lower percent- age of refuse in the washery feed. “This allows costs to be saved in a number of areas, such as reduced wear on machinery and transporting equipment, less grain deg- radation, and less dust and slurry,” he says. “It also means that flocculation consumption is reduced, along with flotation agents in down - stream fines recovery circuits.” The range of vibrating screens manufac- tured by the company includes dimensions up to3.6m inwidth and6.75m in length; in single or double deck configuration and with either circular or linear motion. Versions of these have been operating in the African mining industry for the past 40 years. “We ensure that each application, whether greenfields or brownfields, is carefully as- sessed in conjunction with the customer, during a comprehensive engagement pro- cess to determine the optimum solution,” he says. Services available include detailed engineering, feasibility studies, raw mate- rial testing, financing concepts, erection and commissioning. Components – as well as automation and process control equipment – can be supplied and installed for complete plants and systems. Measurestomoderniseplantsorimprovecapac- ity can also be proposed. The company’s scope of services includes personnel training, along with pre- and after-sales services and support.
Left: An MBE double deck linear screen with modular polyurethane screen decks. Right: The dewatering drum and jigging mechanism on an MBE ROMJIG ® , a reliable and economical solution for destoning raw coal.
May-June 2021 • MechChem Africa ¦ 25
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