MechChem Africa May-June 2022
⎪ Water, wastewater and pumping solutions ⎪
ability and reduces running costs significantly.” “We call these ‘PURE’ pumps because the wet-end is manufactured from pure materials chosenfortheirtemperature,abrasionorcorro sionresistance:purepolypropyleneorPTFE, for example. The purematerials are also very easy to clean as they tend not to get impregnated with slurrymedia,” he says. On the new Verder e-PURE pump, the ball check non-return valve typically used on dia phragm pumps has been replaced with a flap per valve, which is better for pumping slurries or media containing solids. The biggest pump in this range can handle 100 ℓ /min (6.0 m 3 /h) and there arematerial options for a number of exotic liquids. Citing an early success, MacDougall says four of thesepumps havebeen sold toa copper processor in the Congo to pump sulphuric acid wash-down waste from a sump. “In this ap plication acid spillage from delivery vehicles is washed down into a sump. Our e-PURE pumps are being used to transfer this toxic slurry into waste collection vehicles. The highly corrosive acid can get extremely hot due to the exother mic reaction with the washdown water, and it alsopicksupgrit,whichmakesournewe-PURE solutionwithitsflappervalveandPTFEcontact material an ideal pump for the task,” he tells MechChemAfrica. JABSCO rotary lobe pumps In addition,MacDougall points out that Verder recentlyacquiredtheJABSCOrotarylobepump business. “This gives us a stronger offering for the local food, beverage and pharmaceutical markets, where clean-in-place/sterilise-in place routines are essential for hygiene and food safety. “Rotarylobepumpsareideal fortransferring viscoussubstancessuchaspeanutbutter, yeast and mayonnaise. They are manufactured to hygienicstandardsusingpolished316stainless steel andwe can offer various combinations of mechanical seals to cater for a wide range of mediatypes,”henotes.Lookingat futuregrowth potential,MacDougallpointsout that thewater and wastewater industry could benefit signifi cantly from Verder’s dosing experience in the mining andminerals processing industries. “Toaddreagentstothickenersandclarifiers,
the water and wastewater industries have, for many years, relied on progressive cavity pumps. We have had experiences
where 15% of the flocculant being used at a plant was beinglost intheprogressive cavity pump being used. “By using a small cost
effective peristaltic hose pump, which will prevent flocculant shear just as well as a progressive cavity pump, thecostofmain tenance will reduce significantly, dosing accuracy will improve and the amount of wasted flocculant will decreasedramatically,” hesuggests.
“Using our pumps, we can farmore effi cientlymanagedosingapplicationsatwastewater plants, justaswedoontheCoppermines inDRC where we have racks of Dura 25s being used to dosereagentsatmassiveflotationplants.Wehave themodernsolutionsthatwastewatertreatment
The new Verderair e-PURE electrically driven double diaphragm pump has also just been released. plants need, and it is a business areawe are very interested ingrowing,”MacDougall concludes.
On the copper mines in DRC, racks of Dura 25 hose pumps are being used to dose reagents at massive flotation plants. These pumps can also far more efficiently manage dosing applications at wastewater treatment plants.
May-June 2022 • MechChem Africa ¦ 13
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