MechChem Africa May-June 2022
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Tectra Automation appoints new Operations Manager
Load cells for tighter process control
Load cells aren’t all alike, and taking a hard look at the differences can put users closer to total control. All weight–mea surement functions start with a load cell, so it makes sense that a little difference there can have a large effect. The hermetic seals that isolate the strain gauge from the harsh outer world make a good starting point. Vishay Revere seals have been engineered and perfected to withstand severe environmental abuse. Users may not always have to work in a caustic atmosphere, but it is reassuring to know that Vishay Revere load cells can – even if users simply need to hose things down once in a while. Seal ing actual ly takes place at two critical areas – where the strain gauge and element are isolated, and where the cable is brought out of the load cell – and both require special attention. It’s an industry norm for manufacturers to use potting or epoxy for the element seal. Epoxy may test hermetic but it can, over the longer term, allow moisture to enter. Vishay Revere uses a precision, stainless-to-stainless weld for the element seal. The cable-exit seal requires a different approach, because it involves dissimilar materials. Here Vishay Revere provides an extra-large, extra supportive compression seal to make sure users’ load cells will be as secure ten years hence, as they are on the day of installation. The material that goes into the load cell is an important con Leading supplier Bearings International (BI ) has we l comed the asser t i on by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his State of the Nation address on 10 February that the economy cannot grow without efficient ports and railways. “The func tioning of our ports has declined relative to ports in other parts of the world and on the African continent. This constrains economic activity. “Upgrading our ports is long overdue,” says BI Business Development Leader Fred Aslett. “Our ports are something to be proud of as South Africa is known as the hub of Africa. Nowadays there is little faith in the ports that South Africa has to offer for imports and exports. An upgrade is therefore not only necessary but essential.” Offloading and loading cranes need to be refurbished to be able to deal with larg er ships for a quicker turnaround which, in turn, necessitates upgrading the storage
Tec t ra Automat i on h a s p r o m o t e d
Cobus Snyman to Operat ions Manage r, e f - fective January 2022. S n y m a n began h i s ca
sideration, too. Vishay Revere offers most of its load cells in solid stainless steel, a far cry from simple plating. These are not just the products they sell for harsh environ ments; Vishay Revere believes that replac ing a load cell is something users shouldn’t have to think about more often than, say, every thirty or forty years. For strain gauges, Vishay Revere has spent a lot of time perfecting materials and bonding techniques, and the result is evident in the accuracy and repeatability. The better the bond, the longer users can go on without losing calibration. Many of the Vishay Revere cells are still perform ing after 30 years in the field – and are still meeting specifications. That is rare unless the bond is very close to ideal to begin with, and stays that way. Vishay Revere load cells seals have been engineered and perfected to withstand severe, long term environmental abuse. facilities and ancillary infrastructure. “Exports from South Africa have seen a decl ine as our broken infrastructure has forced the rest of Africa to look else where. Many companies in Africa that once rel ied on South Africa have now switched to other global supply networks,” says Aslett. Transnet is addressing these chal - lenges and is currently focused on im proving operational efficiencies at the ports by procuring additional equipment and implementing new systems to reduce congestion. Transnet has also developed partnerships with the private sector to address cable theft and vandalism on the freight rail network. This collaborative ef fort is already showing results in reduced disruptions to rail operations. According to Ramaphosa, the gov ernment is prioritising infrastructure projects in energy, roads and water to support economic growth and improve
reer a t Tec t ra A u t oma t i o n i n 2010 as a workshop technician, building cyl inders. Over the next few years,
he gleaned substantial product knowledge in a project sales role until 2020, when he was appointed divisional manager, respon sible for product divisions. In his new role, Snyman manages the product divisions, warehouse, workshop, product support and local buying. He re ports to Paul Springorum, General Manager of Tectra Automation. “Snyman’s management experience and extensive product knowledge will prove beneficial for Tectra Automation. We wish him all the best in his new role,” says Chris Riley, Bosch Rexroth South Africa Group CEO. quality of life for its citizens. In this regard, the Infrastructure Fund has received a R100-billion allocation from the fiscus over the next decade. It is now collabo rating with State entities to prepare a pipeline of projects with an investment value of about R96-billion. Seve ra l ca t a l y t i c pro j ec t s t o t he value of R21-bi l l ion are expected to start construct ion thi s year. Of thi s , R2.6-bi l l ion has been contr ibuted by the government and the balance from the pr i vate sector and deve l opmen ta l f inance inst i tut ions . The govern ment will make an initial investment of R1.8-billion in bulk infrastructure, which will unlock seven private sector projects worth R133-billion. For millions of South Africans in rural areas, roads and bridges provide access to markets, employment opportunities and social services.
SA rail and port upgrades essential for hub of Africa
May-June 2022 • MechChem Africa ¦ 39
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