MechChem Africa May-June 2022
Metso Metrics: for maximising uptime and asset value Pilot Crushtec’s Jorge Abelho talks about the advantages of using Metso Minerals’ advanced primary jaw crushers, secondary cone crushers and vibrating screens, and the role played by Metso Metrics in protecting these machines, preventing unplanned downtime and delivering value for money.
P ilot Crushtec, as the exclusive South African dealer of Metso’s range of cutting-edge crushing and screening technologies, is now able to incorpo rate and support the Metso Metrics condition monitoringanddataanalyticsplatformforthese flagshipprocessingmachines. “Particularlyuse ful formobileLokotrackunits,whichare fastbe coming preferred across the world, Metso now incorporatesthestate-of-the-artMetsoMetrics digital asset tracking system that uses up to 90 sensors tocontinuouslymonitoreveryaspectof amachine’s condition and performance,” begins Jorge Abelho, director of Technical Support at Pilot Crushtec. “These machines are at the forefront of mineralsprocessingtechnology,usingdigitaland connected technology to control every aspect of operation todeliver best possibleproduction efficiencies, reliability and value,” he says. Citing the Metso LT330D and the LT220D
secondary cone crushers with built-in vibrat ing screens, Abelho says the all-in-one hybrid machinesarenowbecomingverypopularacross Africa. “These are high capacity crusherswith a 3-deckdual slopescreenandapatentedcentrif ugal conveyor on the same chassis, so they can be transported across and between sites in one piece. They canbepoweredby electricitywhen the grid is available, saving up to 40% on fuel costs, and can be seamlessly coupled to other Lokotrack machines to expand delivery to the capacity requiredbymineoperators ,” henotes. “Buyingmachines like these requires amas siveinvestment incapitalequipment, socustom ers need assurances about investment returns. Along with the sale, we therefore incorporate technologies and establish programmes to en sure that customers get the maximum life and uptime out of their machines, while delivering the run-of-mine output required as continu ously as possible. “Ultimately, for African and
Southern African mining applications, there is far more long-term value in investing in better machines that are reliable and robust than in attempting to limit the initial investment at the expense of shorter life and high maintenance anddowntimecosts,”heargues, addingthat this truth is leading to Metso machines becoming first-choice dutyminingmachines. Metso Metrics While it has become an option for premium mining machines to incorporate remote moni toring via cellular, Wi-Fi or satellite networks, Pilot Crushtec incorporates Metro Metrics as standard on all Metso LT and ST machines it sells and supports, whether they are mobile or static. “Every aspect of the health of theMetso machineswenowsell iscontinuouslymonitored, with data being routinely collected, uploaded
The Lokotrack ® LT330D™ is equipped with the versatile and reliable Nordberg ® GP330™ cone crushing unit, which is suitable for even the most difficult aggregates production.
6 ¦ MechChem Africa • May-June 2022
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