MechChem Africa May-June 2023

⎪ Maintenance and asset management ⎪

WearCheck saves customers time and money Ensuring industrial machinery operates at peak performance with reduced maintenance costs – this is the expertise of condition monitoring specialist company, WearCheck.

O perating an extensive network of 16 world-class laboratories in nine countries across Africa, Dubai and India, WearCheck is recognised as a leader in the preventive maintenance field, servicing a wide range of industries with an array of different monitoring techniques. The company has clients in industrial sectors ranging from power generation and renewable energy to mining, fleet management, aviation, maritime and more. WearCheck’s core business is the scien tific analysis of used oil, fuel and other fluids, whereby samples are analysed in the laboratory for trace particles which indicate which com ponent is suffering unusual wear patterns. This information is assessed by a team of specialised diagnosticians, who make recommendations on the required remedial action for the component in question. Additional predictive maintenance tech niques offered by WearCheck – which are employed depending on the type of machinery being monitored – include asset reliability care

Left: Laboratory assistant Zamaswazi Dlamini operates the dielectric tester at WearCheck’s Durban transformer laboratory to validate the insulation properties of the transformer oil. Right: Nomusa Chamane, laboratory assistant at WearCheck’s Durban-based oil analysis laboratory, operates a Dosimat titrator used for determining the TAN (Total Acid Number) of an oil sample.

(ARC) services, water analysis, transformer chemistry services and advanced field services (AFS) such as non-destructive testing, technical compliance and rope condition assessment. The company also offers lubrication enabled reli ability (LER), providing clients with bespoke so lutions to ensure that their lubrication systems are well managed, efficient and cost effective. WearCheck MD, Neil Robinson, outlines the concept of proactive maintenance, “By monitor ing a component’s condition regularly over time, our scientific techniques provide reliable data which enables our diagnosticians to accurately

predict whether and when that component will potentially fail.” “We identify a potential failure before it oc curs and recommend a remedy. This way, cata strophic failure is avoided, thereby enhancing machine availability and performance. “Unplanned component failure can be extremely costly and preferably avoided. With forewarning about potential component failure, our customers dodge unnecessary maintenance costs and maintain efficiency by upholding op timum production levels,” Robinson concludes.


May-June 2023 • MechChem Africa ¦ 11

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