MechChem Africa November 2018
⎪ Water and wastewater processing ⎪
B-O-O offers affordable on-site water treatment
SewTreat is now offering long-term, full-service, build-own-operate (B-O-O) contracts, a cost-effective way for businesses and other industrial operations to benefit from SewTreat’s water recycling and treatment technology.
L ocal wastewater treatment firm SewTreat recently announced the launch of the SewTreat build-own- operate model. The model makes the installation and operation of an on-site wastewater treatment solution more afford- able for businesses of any size. Now SewTreat is offering long-term, full-service Build-Own-Operate (B-O-O) contracts, a cost-effectiveway for businesses, property developments, hotels, mines, abat- toirs, schools and industrial operations to benefit from the company’s water recycling and treatment technology. Under the B-O-O model, SewTreat handles the complete manufacturing, construction and installation of a treatment plant at no cost, after which repayments are made for the plant over a ten-year period at a predetermined rate for every 1 000 ℓ used. “By entering a B-O-O contract with SewTreat operators will save money from day one, because the onsite treatment cost is significantly lower than the municipal rate. SewTreat offers better rates for water treat- ment than municipalities, so saving money from day one, which has direct effect on net profit. In addition, costs associated with the risk of operational downtime due to non- availability of water are eliminated,” says SewTreat spokesperson, Theunis Coetzer. “The process is designed and operated to complywith pre-set qualities and SewTreat is measured against them. If thewater quality is not as per design, then the client simplywon’t be charged for the water,” says Coetzer, add- ing,“SewTreatprovidesprofessionaltechnical operators, including chemical engineers, to operate the plants, guaranteeing the final water quality.”
Maintenance and ensuring optimal ef- ficiency of the installed plant will be done by the SewTreat team on a continuous basis. Their qualified onsite technicians manage all maintenance, consumables, operators and quality management. Integrated control systems, provisionof qualifiedoperators, and SewTreat’s commitment to exceeding the highest HSEQ standards ensure worry-free operations, and that clients have minimal responsibility for the plant. SewTreat also takes steps to mitigate plant failure. An app-based system alerts SewTreat’s chemical engineers of any fail- ures or trips, well prior to water availability being an issue. In addition, the systems are designed in parallel allowing technicians to single out faulty equipment and by-pass or replace the equipmentwhile the systemstays operational. To cut water costs and ensure a fixed, reliable quota and supply, SewTreat offers biological and mechanical water treatment systems to re-use and recycle effluent from nearly any source. This includes rivers, boreholes/wells, lakes, oceans, waste and industrial processes. SewTreat’s plants treat water from these sources to produce water for boiler feed, semi-conductormanufacture, foodprocessing, drinkingpurposes, industrial processes and other applications. According to Coetzer, traditionally, when installing a wastewater treatment solution, organisations onlyhad theoption topurchase the water treatment equipment. This meant thattheyboretheresponsibilityofdeveloping a conceptual design, paying for site audits, hir- ing an EPC firm, issuing RFPs, evaluating bids and installing the equipment, as well as op- eration and maintenance. The user assumed
By entering a B-O-O contract with SewTreat, operators will save money from day one, because the onsite treatment cost is significantly lower than the municipal rate.
SewTreat offers both biological and mechanical water treatment systems to re-use and recycle effluent from nearly any source. all the risks for budget over-runs, schedule delays, operational upsets, maintenance, and variable feedwater quality. In addition to this, the normal warranty period was limited to materials andworkmanship andonly valid for one or two years. “Let SewTreat specify, design, and install the equipment for you. At the same time, we can replace outdated equipment in your existing plant, reduce operating expenses by implementing a process upgrade, or help increase theplant’s production capacity.With minimal capital investment, predictable cash outflow timing, and hands-off operations, businesses will be able to focus on growing, all while transferring much of the risk to SewTreat,” Coetzer concludes. q
November 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 31
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