MechChem Africa November 2018
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PACE compressor technology for 5 or 10 bar versatility
manager at Dynamic Air. “35% more air delivery per compressor coupledwith the added versatility of choosing between 5 and 10 bar with the flick of a switch, the efficiency of the newXATS1200machines will, without any doubt, add value for the end-user.” “The 5 to 10 bar variant is possible thanks to Atlas Copco pioneering PACE technology, which is available on our new range of large compressors,” says Power Technique business line manager, David
Dynamic Air recently purchased two XATS1200 portable diesel-driven compressors from Atlas Copco Power Technique to replace older same-brand compressors for one of its customers in the oil refinery industry. “Having reached between 18 000 and 21 00 hours, we can safely say that these two Atlas Copco compressors had served us and our customer very well, but it was time for them to retire from their full time job!” says Raymond Herholdt, operations
Stanford. The intuitive PACE (Pressure Adjusted throughCognitiveElectronics) is adynamicoptimisation feature that allows the end-user to tap into the electronics of the engine to optimally control pressure and flow. PACE technology allows the operator to have multiple pressures out of a single machine. “This means it is not necessary for the end-user to have four compressor machines to achieve four dif- ferent variants,’ explains Stanford. “In essence, PACE does the job of two machines, potentially halving the capital expenditure required. Added benefits include improved efficiencies in terms of time spent and fuel consumed.” He adds that PACE, a simple software package with no additional hardware required, is also available on some of the Utility compressor ranges. “Our compres- sors’ Tier 2 and3 electronically controlled diesel engines are ideally suited to PACE, presenting the perfect combination of engine and technology. The proven ef- ficiency, flexibility and extended lifespan of our large compressor range with the added benefit of improved fuel consump- tion during part loads hold strong to the AtlasCopcobrandpromiseof ‘Sustainable Productivity’.” The two new XATS1200 compressors complement Dynamic Air’s extensive Atlas Copco rental fleet of 49 units con- sisting of eleven different models ranging from the smaller XAS96 to the XAS526 compressors.
David Stanford (left) and Pamela Finniss from Atlas Copco Power Technique with Raymond Herholdt in front of one of the two XATS1200 compressors purchased by Dynamic Air.
Earn CPD points with WearCheck training On completion of a Mobius reliability solutions training courses at WearCheck, candidates can now earn CPD (continuing professional development) points as this has been recently approved by the South African Institute for Mechanical Engineers (SAIMechE). beganofferingconditionmonitoringcourses. The SAIMechE has approved the follow- ing WearCheck courses for CPD points: Introduction toVibration (1point); Precision Balancing (2 points); Vibration Analysis ISO CAT I (3 points); Vibration Analysis ISO CAT II (4 points) and Vibration Analysis ISO CAT III, a five day course with a further 4 CPD points.
The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), in agreement with international engineering bodies, stipulates that South African engineering professionals must undertake CPD activities to keep abreast of expert knowledge, to demonstrate compe- tenceand to renewprofessional registration. WearCheck has always placed value on ongoing skills training and knowledge de- velopment, and the company has presented several levels of oil analysis training for many years. In 2015, WearCheck became an accredited training partner for the inter- nationally acclaimed Mobius Institute, and
WearCheck’s Mobius trainer Dennis Swanepoel, who was among the first on the continent to completehisVibration ISOCAT IV certification, is a qualified mechanical technician and has more than 20 years’ ex- perience in the reliability improvement field. Says Swanepoel: “The SAIMechE approv- alforCPDpointsisanexcellentendorsement of our courses. Their ratings will be revised in 2021. They are currently validating the three-day Asset Reliability Practitioner ISO CAT course for CPD points, too.
“For a plant to operate at maximum reli- ability, it takes competent and well-trained technicians who apply their world class knowledge and skills. WearCheck’s train- ing courses can enhance staff competency to boost the bottom line of the business,” he says. WearCheck’s reliability solutions technician, Dennis Swanepoel; a certified Mobius instructor.
36 ¦ MechChem Africa • November 2018
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