MechChem Africa November 2019
Introducing next generation mechanical vapour recompression
T he TLT-Turbo fan for mechanical vapour recompression has been in development since 2012 when the first case studies were carried out. Following intensive discussions with clients, TLT-Turbo established that a need existed for lowmaintenanceMVRfans.Thiswasfollowed by four years of intensive research, product testing and consultations with clients. The first MVR fans were rolled out in 2016, and continual product improvement has remained a focus area for TLT-Turbo. Integrating the latest ventilation tech- nologies, the fanoffers numerous advantages including performance efficiency, minimal maintenance and high reliability. “MVR fans havebeenavailableon themar- ket for some time but insteadof just following the trend, TLT-Turbo took time to ensure that it came to the market with a completely new, state-of-the-art MVR solution,” says Mario Schmidt, head of TLT-Turbo Global Vapour Fans business segment. According to Schmidt, the features of TLT-Turbo’s MVR fan – such as the lower maintenance requirements and the introduc- tionof hybrid ceramic bearings –underscores the company’s commitment to developing products in close alignment to its clients and their needs, andalsospeaks toTLT-Turbo’s key objective for continual innovation. Global ventilation fans and systems manufacturer TLT-Turbo GmbH has launched a new range of mechanical vapour recompression fans with ceramic hybrid bearings to provide a long operational lifespan.
The new TLT-Turbo fan for Mechanical Vapour Recompression.
“We continue to have on-going discus- sions and feedback exchanges with our clients worldwide in order to continuously adapt and improve our MVR offering to their requirements. “The implementation of hybrid ceramic bearings is a key differentiator of the TLT- Turbo MVR fan,” says Schmidt, adding that clients are amazed by the possibility of a hy- brid bearing operating at high speed without circulating oil. “Conventional roller bearings do not provide the required support for operating the fan in a broad operational speed range without running into harmful resonance fre- quencies (under critical operation). “In the case of the TLT-
that allows for the bearing to be re-greased from the outside in order to further simplify maintenance and to increase the fan’s service life. High motor speeds, a wide range of opti- mised impellers and the allowance for high temperature and pressure increases comple- ment the lifetime greased hybrid ceramic bearings to ensure that clients benefit from the enhanced performance and efficiency they have come to expect from TLT-Turbo products. These factors allow for operation of the fan belowcritical speed, which ensures reliability and safe operation. Theuseof thehybridbearingsmeansnooil supply or oil pump is necessary, whichmeans that no oil can contaminate the product. In addition to this, the fan features temperature andvibrationmonitoring. Remotemonitoring of the bearing is also possible. TheTLT-TurboMVR fan is suited tonumer- ous applications in the chemical, pharmaceu- tical, waste water treatment, and organic natural product production industries aswell asinthefoodandbeverageprocessandmanu- facturing sectors. “Overall, TLT-Turbo’s objectivewas tooffer its clients amechanical vapour recompression solution that would outperform what was currently available on the market. We have delivereda fan that requires lessmaintenance whileprovidinghighefficiency and reliability,” concludes Schmidt. q
Turbo MVR fan, hybrid ceramic bearings mean significantly lower main- tenance requirements and better operational perfor- mance,” he explains. The hybrid ceramic bearings used in TLT-Turbo MVR fans are life time greased and can be oper- ated for up to 10 years without requiring mainte- nance. Toenhance this ben- efit for clients, TLT-Turbo introduced an additional device to the fan’s design
A high efficiency will be achieved with an optimised impeller design.
16 ¦ MechChem Africa • November 2019
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