MechChem Africa November-December 2022

Multotec displays talent and innovation at Electra Electra Mining Africa 2022 provided a great chance for Multotec’s young talent to share their knowledge. This, says Multotec’s Bheka Majola, was a reminder to the market of the company’s strong tradition of process engineering know-how.

A strong line-up of innovative equip ment and solutions marked the Multotec standat this year’sElectra Mining Africa, but the real heroes were the process experts on hand to talk solutions. “Visitors from the mining industry always enjoy learning from our experienced staff at the stand,” says Bheka Majola, managing director of Multotec Process Equipment. “As important, though, are themany youngpeople in our ranks who demonstrate their expertise to visitors and engage them in solving the challenges faced in the field.” Majola notes that there were significant numbers ofmining people fromaround south ernAfricaandbeyond, asElectraMiningAfrica remains a premium event for the region’s mining sector. “Our international teams were well representedat theshow,” hesays. “This in cluded SouthAfrica, Botswana, Mozambique, Ghana and Zambia as well as visits from our German, Canadian and Brazilian colleagues”. In terms of innovations on display, pride of place went to the Multotec pulping chute , which could be a game changer in second ary scrubbing applications. Significantly, the pulping chute was recognised by Specialised Exhibitions, the organisers of Electra Mining Africa, togetherwiththeSACapitalEquipment Export Council (SACECC) and won an award for International Manufacturing Innovation: New Product (Mining). As a stationary piece of equipment, it saves energy and can accommodate higher throughput. This resonates well with the industry’s environmental focus on reducing energy consumptionwhile raising efficiencies. Also addressing the theme of efficiency were Mato belt cleaners, which are self-ad justing and easier to maintain. By preventing the carry back of fines, these cleaners remove any wastage from the process. “Another exciting offering on show was our real time automated metallurgical ac counting (RAMA) system,” he says. “Designed to feed correct samples to online analysers and process control samplers, this leverages our expertise in collecting unbiased samples.” Bypresentingmore accurate samples toan online analyser, plantmanagers andoperators canhavemore confidence in their results. This

translates directly intobettermanagement of their process, and improved results. “There was also excitement on the spirals side, where our new large diameter cleaner spiral was on display,” says Majola. “It gives customers more throughput, with the po tential to more than double production from 2.3 tph to about 5 tph.” While not on display at Electra Mining Africa, Multotec was also talking to visitors about its UX7 ultra-fines spiral. This enables significant improvements in the recovery of fine material in the range 38 to 75 μm. “Wehave tested theUX7extensively in the chrome industry, but it will perform in a range of other commodities too,” he says. “It presents excitingopportunities for our customers to re cover considerablymoremineral content from the traditionally difficult to recover fines.” In other highlights, Multotec Rubber dis played its 4-in-1 integrated liner that far out performs the steel grate plate, and Multotec

Manufacturing showed off its flame-resistant screen panels. Multotec’s in-house range of pumps was also on display, as the company offered to fill another aspect of customers’ plant flow sheet requirements. “As always, Multotec’s strong legacy in lo cal manufacturing continued to impress our visitors,” Majola says. “Investing constantly in ourmanufacturing capacity and expertise, we continue to grow our exports of world-class products. At the same time, we develop local skills andbuild the local economy– in the spirit of the Mining Charter.”

The Multotec pulping chute won the International Manufacturing Innovation: New Product (Mining) award at Electra Mining Africa 2022.

22 ¦ MechChem Africa • November-December 2022

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