MechChem Africa November-December 2022
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HKT split roller bearings for use in extreme conditions
BMG’s high-performance HKT split cy lindrical roller bearings, which have been developed to operate efficiently in demand ing environments, are incorporated into conveyors, fans, cooling beds, continuous casters, and stacker reclaimers, as well as motors and generators. According to BMG, split bearings offer improved performance in difficult applica tions, particularly when the replacement of standardmounted bearings involves the re moval of machinery and components, such as large gearboxes and couplings. Other advantages of split bearings include lower operational costs and reduced downtime for moving equipment or changing bearings. “HKT split roller bearings operate efficiently Pressure instrument calibration is a sig nificant part of the maintenance workload in process plants that requires a high level of accuracy and repeatability. COMTEST offers the Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator, which simplifies the calibra tion process by automatically pumping the instrument to the precise test pressure, improving calibration integrity, compen sating for minor leaks and automatically documenting the pressure calibration pro cess to meet compliance and regulatory requirements. With the rugged, portable Fluke 729, technicians simply input a target pressure and the calibrator automatically Zuki le Mosheshe Christopher Mvalo, the Deputy Director-General for Skills Development Branch at the Department of Higher Education and Training, recently opened the upgraded SEIFSA Training Centre in Benoni, Gauteng. The renovated centre is a response to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for the private sector to step up and help with job creation, which cannot happen without skills development. In his State of theNation Address in February 2022, the president said: “The reality in our country – as in most other countries – is that the private sector creates the most jobs.” SEIFSA CEO Lucio Trentini says: “There is no doubt that South Africa desperately needs to use, absorb and develop local people in industry to achieve economic progress and, in the process, tackle the challenges of unemployment, inequality, poverty and now hunger in our country.
no requirement for on-site adjustments or specialised fitting tools.” BMG supplies various kinds and sizes of HKT cylindrical bearings, including split cylindrical roller bearings with a housing and support, and split roller bearings with a standard plum mer block (SPL series).
in arduous conditions where dust, moisture, chemicals, heat and dirt would normally af fect performance. Split bearings also cope with high radial loads, have greater speed capabilities, and operate efficiently at el evated temperatures,” explains Coenie Van Deventer, Business Development Manager and Bearing Specialist in BMG’s Bearing di vision. “HKT split cylindrical roller bearings have a robust clamp ring design that offers cage alignment and simplifies maintenance procedures. These bearing units can be disassembled into smaller components, easing the tasks of lifting and handling and ensure effortless mounting or replacement, even in cramped and inaccessible condi tions. Clearances are pre-set, so there is pumps to the desired set-point while the internal fine adjustment control stabilises the pressure at the requested value, deliver ing more accurate results and speeding up the calibration process. • Automatic pressure generation and control for multiple tests to 20 bar, 2 MPa. Easy calibration documentation using defined templates for transmitters and switches. HART communication enables mA out put trim and pressure zero trimming of HART pressure transmitters. Measurement of mA signals on trans • • • In pursuit of this goal, SEIFSA realised a long time ago that emphasis must be given to training in key technical trades for our youth and adults”. Over the past year and a half, the SEIFSA Training Centre has been transformed into a state-of-the-art Fourth Industrial Revolution-ready training centre. “The centre has been completely rebrand ed, withnewbuildings andnewequipment, as the old centre was very outdated. We invited our clients and stakeholders to come and experience the new venue, which is nothing like the old one. It has new offerings, and is physically a completely different building,” says SEIFSA Training Centre director Preggy Chetty. The upgrade sets the centre apart from other South African training centres as it offers multidisciplinary expertise in engi neering, high-end artisan and technical de velopment, human capital, strategy, project and programme management, consulting,
BMG supplies various kinds and sizes of HKT cylindrical bearings, including split cylindrical roller bearings with a housing and support, and split roller bearings with a standard plummer block (SPL series).
Pressure calibrator automates calibration process
accreditation, and entrepreneurship and small business incubation. Chetty is adamant that the skills training the centre provides is a steppingstone to finding work. “We can train people, but, if they cannot get jobs, then we need to do more,” he says. The innovation hub and business incuba tion facilities will take newly qualified weld ers and boiler makers, for example, through the process of setting up their own small businesses with the support of the SEIFSA TrainingCentre, alongwith access to its facili ties andhelpwith securing contracts. “We are always there in the background,” says Chetty. But this is not the only leap – the new, improved SEIFSA Training Centre also offers 4IR-related skills such as robotics and 3D printing to meet industry demands. These skillswill be taught usinge-learning, virtual re ality, and e-assessments. The SEIFSATraining Centre is run in partnershipwith Thuthukisa, a specialist advisory, consulting, projectsman agement skillsprogrammesdeliverycompany. As part of the Fluke Connect ® reliability platform, the Fluke 729 allows technicians to remotely monitor calibrations using the Fluke Connect mobile app as well as man age, store, and share pressure measure ments and logging events. Documented cal ibration results can be uploaded to the included DPCTrack2™ Cal ibration Management Software, to easily manage instrumentation, create schedule tests and reports, and organise calibration data. mitter outputs and sourcing and simu lation of mA signals for testing I/Ps and other mA loop devices.
4IR-ready SEIFSA Training Centre now open
November-December 2022 • MechChem Africa ¦ 39
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