MechChem Africa October 2017
⎪ Automation, process control and instrumentation ⎪
control and monitoring
manufacturing pressure gauges in South Africa. This will allow us to better our servic- inganddelivery toour customers andgrowing SouthernAfricanmarket for Pressuregauges, along with hundreds of other AFRISO prod- ucts and applications. Also, though, to service the increasing de- mand for calibration services for gauges and for the flue-gas analysers and leak detectors for underground tanks at service stations, AFRISOis settingupa local calibration labora- tory at its Boksburg premises. “AFRISO portable flue-gas analysers in- struments typically need to be recalibrated and serviced every 12 months, but we cur- rentlyhave tosend theseunits toGermany for this tobe done. By establishing a local calibra- tionlaboratory,wewillbeabletocutdownthe delivery time on calibrations, making it much easier for users to access the service. The laboratory will also service the envi- ronmental side of AFRISO’s business. “There is an accelerating need for gas analysers to enable users to comply with environmental legislation and to meet national and interna- tional emissions commitments. “Nobody can calibrate these in South Africarightnowandwehope,withanewlabo- ratory up and running, far more people will start usingflue-gas analysers to improve their environmental performance,” says Singer. q
Using HVOF, thermowells are surface-coated with ceramics, tantalum and many other protective surface layers. bysimplymountingultrasoniclevelsensorson the outside surfaces,” Singer reveals. “Thermowells, chemical-seals and pres- sure-, temperature- and level probe customi- sations and repairs are our bread and butter business.We have built up excellent relation- ships with our customers and end users and OEMs and we see ourselves as long-term service providers for these clients,” he says. “We alsoworkwithproject houses such as Hatch, DRA, Siemens and ABB, for which we
To service increasing demand for calibration services for its flue-gas analysers, AFRISO is setting up a local calibration laboratory at its Boksburg premises. are a preferred local manufacturer,” he says, adding, “and while we offer a host of simple plug-and-play solutions, we are also happy to partner with users or OEMs to implement complicated installations involvingmeasuring monitoring control sensors.” Expanding local operations Alsoon the cards for next year are two expan- sions to AFRISO’s local offering. “First, we are going to Germany in October to discuss
October 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 29
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