MechChem Africa October 2018
⎪ Automation, process control and instrumentation ⎪
Fit for one-point lubrication and challenging applications,TecraAutomation has expanded its range of linear actuators to include third generation Bosch Rexroth MKK and MKR Linear Modules. Next generation linear modules
T hethirdgenerationofMKKandMKR LinearModulesfromTectraAutoma- tion, a member of the Hytec Group, and a subsidiary of Bosch Rexroth AG, expands the range of equipment options for the company’s Linear Module series. The ready-to install linear axes are ready to be connected to the one-point lubrication sys- tem. In the corrosion-resistant versions, hard chrome plated ball screw drives and ball rails ensure a high resistance to chemicals. The LinearModule consists of an anodised aluminium profile body with integrated ball rails and the option of a ball screw drive or a belt drive. Both drive types are provided for in the new generation, in sizes 65, 80 and 110. They are interchangeable with previ- ous versions in the same dimensions and do not require large structural adjustments. As ready-to-install assemblies, Linear Modules reduce construction and installation effort in all types of machines and systems. Bosch Rexroth addresses the industry- wide trend of automating maintenance work with one-point lubrication systems, thus increasing the life of the axes with a compre- hensive lubrication concept. The correspond- ing components, ball screw drive and runner block, are ready for one-point lubrication
with liquid grease or oil. Operators choosing to use their own lubricants can order the cor- responding Linear Module components with only corrosion prevention and complete the initial lubrication for start-up themselves. In the standard version, the Linear Module is delivered with initial lubrication making the product ready to use. In applicationswhere increased corrosion resistance is required, the hard chrome- plated ball screw drive, profiled rails and runner block, Resist NR can withstand water andaggressive chemicals. Stainless steel band covers with a new magnet profile enhance this resistance and increase the resistance to coolants. TectraAutomation supplies the ball screw drive variant of the Linear Module in lengths up to 5 400 mm. A screw support prevents vibrations at high rotational speeds from 4 000 mm onwards, thereby increasing the application window for highly dynamic or challenging applications. The LinearModules with belt drive are available in lengths of up to 9 400 mm. Theabsolutemeasurementsystem,IMS-A, can be integrated into the modules in sizes 080 and 110. From system start, it captures the exact position of the carriage directly and
MKK and MKR Linear Modules from
Bosch Rexroth meet the tougher requirements of modern
machine construction.
essentialforasuccessfuljourneyinautoma- tion and mine control, with improvements in productivity, cost control and safety. All of the above will lead us in the future to- wards becoming a best-in-class operation in undergroundmining. At Pucobre, we are reallylookingforwardtofollowinguponthe agreed project priorities, Epiroc can count on our firm commitment”, says Sebastian Rios, CEO of Pucobre. q without the need for a homing cycle. Using the incremental measuring principle, the IMS-A operates wear-free and is resistant to contamination and electric fields. Anew switch concept simplifies assembly and saves time. The magnetic field sensors fit directly into the profile frame without additional mounting accessories so that no interfering contours are created. This means that the space-saving design is retained in practice. Two carriageswith variable centreline-to- centreline distance also accommodate larger attachments with increased system rigidity. Centring holes in the carriages and frame also simplifyassemblybecause theuseof cen- tring rings produces a form-fitting connection and thus the adjustmentwork is substantially simplified. q
Epiroc Control Tower: the digital mine in action The recently inaugurated Control Tower located in the Epiroc facilities in Örebro, Sweden, is designed to be an innovation arena for collaboration, exploration and development aroundmine automation and information management solutions. The Control Tower is much more than a show- room – it is a part of the Epiroc strategy to support customers to take the right steps towards safety, productivity and improved operations. customers and partners, will develop the functionalities of tomorrow’sminingopera- tions but also where we do actual research work within these areas,” explains Andreas Nordbrandt, president of theUnderground Rock Excavation division at Epiroc. With the newControl Tower, Epiroc has an excellent opportunity to help customers on their digitalisation journey – by bringing cutting-edge technologies together, and
working in close collaboration with both customers and part- ners. With an ecosystem view and open and agnostic approach, Epiroc can help customers to in- tegrate equipment, services and information management sys- tems into an efficient value chain. Pucobre inChile is anexample of a customer with a firm deter- mination to transform the mine operation using the best and lat- est digital support: “Support from the global Epiroc team will be
In the high-tech Epiroc Control Tower visitors can explore remote-controlled and automated machines, which can be operated fromanywhere around the globe. Furthermore, Epiroc information manage- ment solutions are displayed through telematics and integrated systems, dem- onstrating the digital and connected mine. “When planning our new control tower we knew that it was going to be more than a showroom of our automation and infor- mation management solutions. We built it to be a place where we, together with our
Epiroc’s Control Tower supports customers to take the right steps towards safety, productivity and improved operations.
October 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 33
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