MechChem Africa October 2018
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
KSB Pumps and Valves has become the first OEM pump manufacturer in South Africa to obtain Level 1 B-BBEE certification. This follows the purchase of a 30% equity stake in the company by the black female-ownedInsikaziSynergies(RF)(Pty) Ltd, a company with four businesswom- KSB Pumps obtains level 1 B-BBEE certification en shareholders including Nonhlanhla Ngwenya andMatshepisoFinca, whohave joined the board to play an active role in steering the company in future. Managing director of KSB Pumps and Valves, Sven Baumgarten, says the deal is a first for the multi-national KSBGroup, a German company that operates through subsidiaries around the globe. “Achieving Level 1
60 years of operating in South Africa. We are proud to be the first pump and valve OEM to achieve Level 1 B-BBEE status. “Our heritage in South Africa started in the 1920s and since then has contin- ued with manufacturing of high-quality products from our modern manufactur- ing, sales and serving facilities across the country. Our evolving growth story locally is interwoven within the fabric of South African life and we are fully com- mitted to transformation for the better- ment of all.” Over the years KSB Pumps and Valves in South Africa has grown to employ over 500 staff and a turnover of nearly one billion rand. “We are poised for further growth in SouthAfrica and in sub-Saharan Africa and look forward to continuing our long and fruitful partnership with local business and Government,” Baumgarten concludes.
B - BBEE S t a t u s ha s marked a significant milestone for us and is evidence of our philoso- phy of operating globally and thinking locally. For us, transformation is not only a strategic impera- tive for operating in this market, but something weembraceasacompany that will soon celebrate
KSB Pumps and Valves has become the first OEM pump manu facturer in South Africa to obtain Level 1 B-BBEE certification.
Bosch Engenharia celebrates ten years in Brazil
“The establishment of our first foreign subsidiary in 2008 was a significant mile- stone for Bosch Projects, creating new opportunities for the company to offer enhanced engineering services to a global client base,” says Mike Gibbon, CEO of Bosch Holdings. “From an initial focus on the Brazilian sugar sector, Bosch Engenharia’s opera- tions have expanded over the last decade to now include ports and terminals, water
and irrigation, as well as industrial and manufacturing services in South, Central and North America. Specialist services comprise general engineering, equipment supply, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) projects, and plant operations management. “At the establishment of Bosch Engenharia, the company partnered with a leading supplier of equipment to the Brazilian sugar and ethanol industry to
supply, install and commission the pat- ented Bosch Projects chainless diffusers inBrazil andSouthAmerica. Subsequently, Bosch Engenharia has successfully sup- plied our process equipment on a turnkey basis into the South andCentral American market. “Bosch Engenharia has sold ten diffus- ers in South America, nine of which have been installed in Brazil. One of these dif- fusers is the largest in the world and is in operation at a factory inBrazil. This chain- less diffuser is 15 m wide and processes more than 21 000 t of cane per day.” The companynowhas a teamof 20em- ployees based in Piracicaba and Ribeirão Preto – Brazil’s central sugar and equip- ment producing areas. From these of- fices, Bosch Engenharia currently exports equipment and engineering services to Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and the USA. The Bosch Engenharia Piracicaba team, with management from Bosch Holdings in South Africa.
Extended service life for mill roll bearing SKF ReMan delivered a 60% cost saving to a key paper mill customer by refurbishing a SKF centre suction roll bearing that had exceeded 20 000 hours of service life. When the SKF suction roll bearing, initially installed at the paper mill in November 2015, reached over 20 000 hours of operation, the paper mill pulled the bearing out of service for its scheduled change. The customer sent the bearing to SKF’sWitfield facility in Boksburg where, following a detailed damage assessment, the product was declared fit for remanufacture.
The capabilities of SKFReManonce again came to the fore when its competent team of qualified technicians remanufactured the bearing to SKF Global Quality standards and delivered the prod- uct to the paper mill within one week. In the process, SKF ReMan delivered substan- tial cost savings to the customer as the cost of remanufacturewas only 40%of the price of a new bearing. In addition, the short lead-time of only a weekkept thepapermill’sdowntime toanabsolute minimum, which illustrates SKF’s resolute commit- ment to contributing to customers’ productivity and ultimately profitability.
SKF centre suction roll bearing was remanu factured by SKF after 20 000 hours of operation and delivered to the paper mill within a week.
42 ¦ MechChem Africa • October 2018
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