MechChem Africa October 2018
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Skills Development and Learnership Award goes to Cummins
Hyatt Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa. The awards ceremony, attract- ing some 150-guests, was hosted by N2Growth Africa and sponsored by IE Business School, the international execu- tive education school based in Spain. Drawing some 300 competitorswithin the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sectors, the awards focused on employee engagement within the Diversity and Inclusion, Rewards and Recognition, Skills Development and Sustainable Future segments of the workplace. Eleven category winners and 18 highly commended entries were adjudicated, judged and awarded by an independent judging panel. Cummins South Africa’s entry focused on sustainable talent development initia- tives, which positively impact employees, companies, civil society-at-large and ulti-
mately SouthAfrica. Promoting employee engagement actions that can be incorpo- rated into the workplace infrastructure, these programmes are driven by subject matter experts fromwithin the company. Commentingafterthewin,MsVathiswa Mkatshane, Cummins South Africa’s skills development facilitator who championed the Cummins entry, said: “For many years, we have been recruiting and developing raw talent, culminating in many of the in- cumbents ultimately securing permanent employment after completing their respec- tive programmes. These initiatives include Graduate Programmes, Management Development Programmes, Bursary Programmes,ApprenticeshipProgrammes, Learnership Programmes and the recent June launch of the Technical Education for Communities initiative in Sebokeng.”
Cummins South Africa is the proud recipient of the Skills Development and Learnership Award at the recently held inaugural ‘Africa-wide 2018 Africa Employee Engagement Awards’ at the Proudly holding the trophy are Ms Vathiswa Mkatshane, Cummins Southern Africa’s Skills Development Facilitator and Dr Raymond Patel, CEOMERSETA.
Called the Fluke 1730 Three-Phase Electrical Energy Logger and rated for its simplicity in discovering sources of elec- trical energy waste, this instrument from Comtest has the ability to profile energy usageacrossfacilitiesandprovidetheeasy- to-understand data required for users to identify opportunities for energy savings. The 1730 shows when and where energy is being consumed in the facility, fromthe serviceentrance to the individual circuits. It compares multiple data points over time and builds a comprehensive picture of energy usage using the associ- ated Energy Analyse software package. This facilitates the rapid understanding of specific points of energy loss. In addition, when using the Ti125 Fluke 1730 for energy conscious consumers InfraredCamera an infrared camera along with the 1730 Energy Logger, users can discover potential problems that could bewasting energy and thenquantify them electrically with the 1730 Energy Logger. This combo is touted to be the perfect tool set to uncover hidden operational waste suchas lighting, air conditioningand other large loads that could be switched off when not in use. Some outstanding features of the 1730 are: • Comprehensive logging:More than 20 separate logging sessions canbe stored on the instrument. • Complete ‘in-the-field’ setup through the front panel: no need to return to theworkshop for download and setup.
from Reality Wellness Group on effective stress management. Atlas Copco invited Candice Janks to de- liver an educational presentation addressing the different methods of dealing with stress both at the office and at home. According to Janks, some of the leading causes of stress are work, relationships and finances, which cannot be avoided. The solution is to iden- tify effective ways to deal with the different sources of stress. Janks highlighted exercise, connecting withothersandmakingtimefor funandrelax- ation as the top threemethods onhowtodeal with stress, before adding to the list, medita- tion, yoga, reading or simply doing something • Highest safety rating in the industry: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance and downstream. The 1730 Three-Phase Electrical Energy Logger with its hanging tool is ideal for discovering sources of electrical energy waste.
Dealing with stress on Women’s Day Atlas Copco once again partnered with the RealityWellnessGrouptocelebrateWomen’s
Day at their head office in Jet Park, Boksburg earlier this year. “We pulled out all the stops as we wanted to dedicate the day to the women of Atlas Copco to show the company’s appreciation for their hard work and to give them an op- portunity to let their hair down,” saysWendy Buffa-Pace, Atlas Copco Group human re- sources manager. The venue was beautifully decorated to make the ladies feel welcome and each received a beauty gift voucher. A photo booth with prizes for the best photos added a fun element to themore serious side of the day, a presentation by Candice Janks
Atlas Copco partnered with the Reality Wellness Group on Women’s Day giving presentations on different methods of dealing with stress.
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