MechChem Africa September 2017
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Hydrogen detection for mine battery-charging stations
Increasingly, mines are using battery- powered electric vehicles underground as they help eliminate the problem of air pollution from diesel exhaust emissions. There is an inherent risk in having large multi-battery charging bays underground because the charging process generates hydrogen, which can escape to form a potentially explosive mix. In addition, in a ‘fiery’ mine such as a colliery, hydrogen combustion may trig-
utility applications inall industries. It is particu- larly suited for measurement in storage tanks, open basins, pump shafts and canal systems. Features include: measuring range up to 5.0 m; process temperatures from -40 to +60 °C; process pressures from-1.0 to 3.0 bar; accuracy of within ±5.5 mm; and ingress pro- tection to IP66. Additional benefit include: easy selection; highquality, aswith all E-direct products; cost- effective pricing; and fast delivery. The Micropilot FMR10 can be viewed at, or explore the complete E-direct product offering by following the link to the E-direct portal. into larger truck engine applications,” says RFI director Andrew Yorke. Yorke says that the remarkable prog- ress of injector technology – while being driven mainly by the global drive to re- duce emissions from diesel engines – also brings cost-related benefits to custom- ers. “It makes simple economic sense to properly burn all the diesel that you are putting into your engine,” he says, “The higher pressures that are being built into modern injection systems produce better RTS Africa Engineering specialises in, among other things, the supply of hydrogen production and analysis equip- ment. “We also offer hydrogen detection instruments – the Hy-Alerta 500 and the Hy-Alerta 600B/610B from our interna- tional California-based principal H2Scan – for use with many potential industrial applications, including the mining sector. These products serve as a valuable safety aid in hydrogen gas detection within bat- tery charging stations in underground mines,” explainsmanaging director of RTS Africa Engineering, Ian Fraser. The Hy-Alerta 500 is a highly versatile hand-held detection device. It is able to detect the widest range of hydrogen gas concentrations without the need for any peripheral equipment. The Hy-Alerta 500’s versatile hydrogen sensor probe has a unique visual LED array that will effectively help navigate to the source of a hydrogen leak wherever hydrogen gas is produced, used, transported, or stored. “With two sensing elements on the
samesemiconductordie,theHy-Alerta500 candetecthydrogenleaksaslowas15ppm andwill not saturateor bedestroyedwhen detectinghighconcentrationsof hydrogen up to 100%,” Fraser explains. H2scan’s Hy-Alerta 600B/610B fixed area hydrogenmonitors are better suited for area monitoring; and will provide hydrogen-specific leak detection and measurement for hydrogen concentra- tions as low as 4 000 ppm. They can fur- thermore be scaled to any concentration up to 5% hydrogen by volume, a range representing 10% to 125% of hydrogen’s low flammability limit. “This instrument canalsobe connected to a flashing light or an alarm siren and, if need be, can communicate with a mine’s existing SCADA-type control system. H2scan’s hydrogen-specific sensor tech- nology has no cross-sensitivity to any other combustible gases, thus eliminat- ing false-positive alarms and increasing system reliability,” Fraser says. The latestDelphi systems aredesigned to operatewith a 2500 bar injection pres- sure–afarcryfromthe240barassociated withoriginal mechanical injectors. He also highlightsthesignificanceoftheelectronic nozzle control valves in the latest smart injector systems, allowing multi-stage injection cycles that further raise burn efficiencywithin the combustionchamber. RFI is also an authorised service agent for: Bosch, Denso, and Stanadyne. This means that RFI’s repairs on these brands are backed by anOEMwarranty – andRFI is the service market leader for CAT fuel injection systems. atomisation and contribute considerably to the efficiency of the combustion cycle, which in turn improves engine efficiency and diesel consumption.”
ger a more serious secondary coal- dust explosion.
The Hy-Alerta 500 is a highly versatile hand- held hydrogen detection device.
Reef doubles diesel injection capacity
Leading diesel injection specialist Reef Fuel Injection Services (RFI) has boosted the capability of its ISO 9001 accredited Germiston facility by investing in a sec- ond Hartridge test bench for calibrating the new generation smart Delphi diesel injectors. “This new investment will double our capacity to repair, remanufacture, test and calibrate Delphi diesel injectors, and allow us to serve the growing market in Delphi systems, a brand that is expanding
New radar products available via E-direct online The new free space ra- dar Micropilot FMR10
from Endress+Hauser is a radar-measuring device with Bluetooth wireless technology. Commissioning, opera-
tion and maintenance are carried out via the SmartBlue App and the full PVDF body guar- antees a long sensor life. Wireless remote access and the instru- ment’s compact designmake it ideal for instal- lation in areas difficult to reach or places with limited space. The new Micropilot FMR10 is especiallydesigned for the requirementsof the water and wastewater industry as well as for
The new equipment represents RFI’s further commitment to the Delphi smart fuel injection system.
40 ¦ MechChem Africa • September 2017
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