MechChem Africa September 2018
Fast, reliable and predictable mobile power Atlas Copco’s QES mobile generator range is defined by simplicity – easy to move, easy to operate and easy to service. The QES range was developed using the company’s extensive experience over many years in global construction environments. The machines have undergone comprehensive testing for sustainable performance.
W hether paralleling, load shar- ing or power exporting, Atlas Copco’s QES mobile genera- tor range is a most practical and predictable power choice, offering the perfect balance between performance and affordability to seamlessly meet the standby power requirements of the general construc- tion and rental industries. These generators are designed and en- gineered with the customer’s requirements top-of-mind to provide the best air delivery solution that combines performance, ef- ficiency, reliability, safety and convenience. “Our stance is that the generator belongs to the customers so give it to them theway they want it,” says David Stanford, Atlas Copco Power Technique business line manager – portable products. “Focused on mobility, our products power customer productivity across awide spectrum of applications within the mining, construc- tion, drilling and rental sectors,” says David Stanford, business line manager at Power Technique. “Our four pillars house; air, power, light andflowsolutions, with serviceproviding a solid foundation. Power Technique’s compressors, genera- tors and light towers have gained tremendous traction in mining and industry, supplying convenient and efficient on-site portable air, power and lighting. “Building on the success of these three power solutions, we decided to introduce pumps to our product portfolio almost three years ago, forming our fourth pillar – flow,” explains Stanford. “The addition of flow power, ie, pumps, was simply a natural progression, perfectly completing our power package. “Our mobile pump ranges are underpinned by the Atlas Copco brand promise of superior quality and reliability,” affirms Stanford. The Atlas Copco diesel, petrol and electric mobile dewatering units comprising open-frame PAS dry and VAR wet self-priming centrifugal pumps are complemented by the renowned
Because power may be needed anywhere on a work site, the generator’s mobile capa- bilities arefirst and foremost. Theheavy-duty baseframeisbuiltforregularmobilisationand the structure is able to withstand up to four times theweight of the generator. Integrated forklift slots anda liftingbeamfacilitate lifting whilepurposebuilt siteor road trailer options are available fromAtlasCopco to ensure easy and safe transport of the generator to wher- ever it is needed on the job site. Furthermore, the generator’s ultra-compact footprint simplifies truck loading and storage. Stanford adds that two generators can also be stacked one on top of each other, which, in addition to requiring less storage, also makes it possible to move two units simultaneously.
emitting diode) technology, the latest range of portable HiLight light towers delivers up to 25% more light compared to metal halide lamps with average savings of 60% on fuel consumption. According to Stanford, typical fuel burn rates can be as low as 0.5 ℓ per hour. Atlas Copco Power Technique is poised to powering the future with its innovative product and service portfolio. “Our value propositionof developing purposefit portable products that deliver high performance and unmatched efficiencies over an extended life span for lowest overall cost of ownership, dif- ferentiates us as a preferred supplier of power products,” concludes Stanford. q With a 100% load step capability, these rugged and dependable machines deliver power nomatter howtough the environment or how stringent the conditions. This range has theability toworkat high temperatures of start only two clicks are required to deliver power and full stable power is reachedwithin ten seconds. Atlas Copco QES mobile diesel generator range is a most practical predictable power choice for the general construction and rental industries.
Everything about the design of the QES 250to1250kVArangeisthedeliveryofpower as soon as possible in as few steps as possible. The machines are defined by simplicity – easy to move, easy to operate and easy to service. Mobility to the power of four at Electra Mining Africa The plug and play cable connection en- sures convenient quick and easy installation. The generators feature a user-friendly QC controller with independent control and power panels that enable the units to also be started remotely. The machines are ready to operate in just a few seconds; from a cold
Weda range of centrifugal electrical submers- ible pumps. “Our pump offering is a little dif- ferent, settingus apart in thepumps’ space; we supply a fully importedmodular packagemak- ingitoneofthemostflexibleandcost-effective solutions currently available,” notes Stanford. The air pillar, which comprises small, me- diumandlargemobilecompressorsforgeneral constructionwill be represented by the U175 compressor from Power Technique’s Utility series. The 8 Series Utility air compressor range offers improved efficiency, unmatched reliability, increased machine lifetime and longer service intervals. A range of pneumatic products including tools, rockdrills andbreak- ers also fall under this pillar and a new petrol breaker was introduced to the local market at the mining show. The power and lighting pillars were repre- sentedon thePower Technique stand (P17) by a QES gen set and an LED light tower respec- tively. TheQESmobile generator series offers fast, reliable predictable power at the touch of a button to seamlessly meet the standby power requirements of the general construc- tion and rental industries. Incorporating cutting-edge LED (light
24 ¦ MechChem Africa • September 2018
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