MechChem Africa September 2018

Thermal camera simplifies machine inspections Maintenance technicians and experienced ther- mographers can quickly and easily detect trouble- some hotspots with the user-friendly SKF Thermal Camera TKTI 21. With a thermal detector of 160×120 pixels and a visual camera, the TKTI 21 is suitable for many mechanical and electrical maintenance inspection applications. A wide temperature measurement range of –20 to +350 °C makes the TKTI 21 suitable formany proactivemain- tenance programmes. Visual and audible temperature limit alarm functions alert the user to abnormal conditions

and the automatic hot and cold spot cursors quickly pinpoint the extremes in situations. The instrument has up to fivemoveable temperature cursors/ areas with individual emissivity settings for analysing complex scenes. Temperature difference of two cursors can be displayed on screen en- abling quick and easy temperature comparisons. Isotherms, temperature gradients and area analysis boxes are available for advanced scene analysis and the built-in emissivity tables allow easy emissivity value setting. The eleven selectable colour pallets are for ease of use and fully radio- metric thermal and visual images are stored on themicro SDcard provided. In addition, images can be voice annotated for later reviewing with the PC software, and a video output function allows the live image to be shown on an external display, useful when showing to a group of people. TheTKTI 21 comes suppliedwith two standard camcorder batteries and anindependentcharger,enablingalongfieldusagetime.Itsruggedconstruc- tion and IP 54 rating enables use almost anywhere. The comprehensive PC software suite for an unlimited number of users enables advanced image analysis and professional report writing. ZIRKOR oxygen analysers The easy to operate and reliable ZIRKOR oxygen analysers from SICK Automation are designed to take measurements directly after combustion so that oxygen levels can be perfectly adapted to the fuel being used. Reliable oxygen measurement is important for controlling combustion processes and for emissions monitoring. Optimal combustion however, relies on perfect dosing. Too little oxygen will result in incomplete combus- tion and, therefore, increased CO emissions, while too much oxygen leads to very high heat loss via the exhaust gas. The ZIRKOR series provides an oxygenreferencevalueforemissionmeasurementinordertoensurereliable measurement results. There are three versions available, ZIRKOR100 for smaller plants, ZIRKOR200 for large combustion plants, and ZIRKOR302 for self-calibration without having to use a test gas. The ZIRKOR100 is extremely rugged thanks to its innovative cell technology. The integrated cell diagnosis function keeps maintenance work to a minimum and all important information can be accessed via ZIRKOR Remote. The ZIRKOR200 is a high-tech analyser with simple connection op- tions. It can work in ambient temperatures of up to 1 600 °C without any problems and it calibrates itself automatically. The analyser itself works in temperatures of up to 600 °Cand is certified in accordancewith EN15267. ThemaindifferencebetweenZIRKOR302and theother two analysers is its automatedcalibrationusingambient air. The tried-and-testedflowsensor principle does not require any test gases for this calibration and ensures a continuous, exceptionally precisemeasurement even at high temperatures. The analyser is availablewithanoptional integratedmeasuring gas pump or an ejector powered by compressed air.

September 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 39

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