MechChem Africa September 2019
⎪ Pump systems, pipes, valves and seals ⎪
A community in Mpumalanga now has access to proper clinic services, with clean running water and a secure environment, thanks to funding from KSB Pumps and Valves. Changing lives in our communities
A s part of the pump manufacturer’s corporate social investment (CSI), KSB Pumps and Valves decided to get behind the Nthoroane Clinic to assist with the upgrade of its facilities. The upgrades included the connection of the clinic’s main water tank to internal facilities; the construction of a newmain entrancewith boom gates; car ports for 10 vehicles; hand- rails for the entrance and the lavatories for people with disabilities; paving and painting of lavatories and the construction of a new guard house. According to Gerald Surjoobhalee, KSB Pumps and Valves’ commercial manager for the service department, and one of the driv- ers of the project, the company providedboth funding andprojectmanagement for theproj- ect. This ensureddirect involvement through- out the process and provided a window into the many milestones along the way. Equally rewarding was the development of local sup- pliers, contractors and labour who received
appropriate training and gained valuable experience through direct exposure to the fundamentals of proj- ect management. Perfect choice The project was un- dertaken after KSB Germany directly sup- plied four new HDC 6/
At the reopening of the Nthoroane Clinic were KSB Pumps and Valves’ Grant Glennistor, Gerald Surjoobhalee and Patience Kotyi (far right), with Sister Thangithi Mazibuko, who is in charge of six clinics in the district.
work in October last year. By May this year all work had been wrapped up and the com- munity has since been enjoying the benefits of their own labour. “Together with Eskom, we have brought much needed relief to the community and have learned that collaboration between state owned enterprises and suppliers can help build better business relationships and contribute towards healthier and happier communities,” concludes Gerald. q
8N pumps and a further nine REL oil pumps to Eskom. Since KSB was the sole OEM for these products, the manufacturer wanted to give something back to the local community through itsCSI efforts. This led toadecision to reinvest a percentage of the order value back into the community of Grootvlei. “Nthoroane clinic was the perfect choice for our CSI contribution as the clinic was in desperate need of repair. Once the decision was made, we sprang into action and started
September 2019 • MechChem Africa ¦ 13
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