MechChem Africa September 2019
⎪ Power energy and energy management ⎪
circulating pump; specifying a smaller pump will save electricity. Maximum hot water flow rates are 24 and 34 litres per minute respectively. The 300-V’s insulation package can be removed for easy handling. Transportation and installation are also made easy by the 300-V’s lowweight and compact dimensions. Both 300-Vs are 581 mm long and 605 mm wide, with the smaller-capacity model mea- suring 1189 mm in height and the larger- capacity model 1 409 mm. Regardless of
New sonic industrial imager COMTEST has announced Fluke’s new ii900, a handheld sonic industrial imager that enablesmaintenance teams to quickly and accurately locate air, steam, gas and vacuum leaks in compressed air systems. Using SoundSight™ technology - an intui- tive interface - allows technicians to isolate the sound frequency of the leak tofilter out background noise. In amatter of hours, the teamcan inspect the entireplant, evendur- ing peak operations.
processing, food and beverage, and pulp, paper and wood. The ii900 enables users todomorewith existing air compressors, for example: • Delaysthecapitalexpenseofpurchasing an additional compressor • Ensures proper air pressure to pneu- matic equipment • Lowers energy costs (optimization of compressed air budget) • Reduces leak detection time • Improves reliability on the production line. q
Leak identification is simple, a SoundMap™ is displayed in colour over a
the size of your home, howmany people live there and how much hot water they use, the Vitocell range will have the right cyl- inder for your DHW heating system. q The new floor- standing Vitocell 300-V DHW cylinders, with capacities of 160 and 200 litres.
visual image of the equipment allowing for fast visual loca- tion. With the visual image, it is easy to scan a large area quickly and identify leaks from a distance. The Fluke ii900 finds ap- plication in manufacturing: aerospace, automotive, glass, machinery, instrumentation andappliances,plasticandrub- ber, mining and mineral pro- cessing, and in process manu- facturing: cement, chemical
September 2019 • MechChem Africa ¦ 21
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