MechChem Africa September 2019
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AVK Academy gains traction in Africa
in Africa,” explains Academy facilitator RoelfFrauendorf.“Whenconductingtrain- ing locally, candidates have time for practi- cal experiencebetween theFundamentals and Advanced courses, whereas over- border, the courses run back-to-back.” He adds that another difference in training, which also impacts local companies opting to have training at their premises, is the lack of the practical aspect. The Academy’s facilities include a flow labwhich demonstrates the flowof water through a series of valves. Being onsite, candidates physically handle the valves onwhich theyare trained. Frauendorf says that for offsite training, in lieu of available equipment, more discussion is given to the practical aspects of the course. “We include a lot more visuals and spendmore time on typical examples,” Frauendorf explains. “Many of these result in in-depth discussions with no time restrictions. The resultant interactive Q&As often lead to other discussions on the subject. Upon course completion, all externally trained candidates are as competent with AVK’s product range as those who come to the Academy.” Beyond completion of the training programme, AVK Academy personnel continue to provide their knowledge and advice when required. With this significant acquisition, Sulzer Chemtech is consolidating its role as a petrochemical process technology pro- vider. Adding to the company’s capacity to design and deliver a broad range of offerings from refinery column internals to complete bioplastic (PLA) production plants, the new expanded business in- creasesSulzer’scapabilityintomuchwider territory. The complementary scope of GTC’s expertise pushes Sulzer Chemtech further into technology licensing for the refinery and petrochemical industry, in- cluding complete engineering packages, proprietary equipment, and the supply of chemical solvents and catalysts. The reliable performance of refinery and petrochemical plant facilities is vital to an industry that is determinedby global fluctuations in crude prices. Strategic in- vestment is critical in overall profitability as an efficient plant can offset extreme market deviations. Finding trusted part- ners to supply dependable technology in any part of the world is essential to refin- ers and petrochemical companies. outstanding offering toprocess industries worldwide.
accredited(EngineeringCouncilofSA)and worth twoCPDpoints for candidateswho achieve the 85% pass rate or higher. The Valves Fundamentals Course provides an introduction to essential knowledge of valves in both theory and practice; while the Advanced Valves Course provides greater insight into principles and prac- tices that address the theories of fluid pressure, fluid flow and field applications. “There are some fundamental differ- ences between local training and training
The Academy, the training arm of AVK Southern Africa, has taken the Group’s training intoAfrica.With training onBasic ValveFundamentals andAdvancedValves recently concluded at Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company in Zambia, the Academy is now looking intomaking train- ingappointmentsinLesotho,Mozambique and Botswana for the remaining year. Training in Malawi is planned for 2020. Each trainingmodule, which consists of twodays comprehensive training, isECSA-
The AVK Academy Course graduates fromMulonga Water and Sewerage Company pictured with Academy Facilitator Roelf Frauendorf (back left).
An acquisition with good chemistry
Already a market leader in separation and mixing technology, Sulzer has fur- ther extended its petrochemical pro- cess capability with the purchase of the US-headquartered specialist, GTC
Technology. The move adds a range of licensed technologies and additional en- gineering resources to Sulzer’s existing process plant design, construction and commissioning capabilities, to provide an
The acquisition holds the potential for Sulzer to consolidate its already industry-leading role in process technologies.
34 ¦ MechChem Africa • September 2019
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