MechChem Africa September 2019
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ATI acquires De Beers’ training campus in Kimberley to expand its technical training offering to create new pathways for youth enter- ing the job market. Subsequently, the institute has outlined plans to implement youth development initiatives as part of the transaction.
The Artisan Training Institute (ATI) has recently acquired the De Beers’ technical training campus (DBTTC) in a transaction that will bring new economic activity to the Northern Cape province. As one of the leading technical train- ing institutions in South Africa, ATI is stronglypositionedtodevelop theDBTTC, ensuring an increase in the throughput of trained artisans in the region, and the future operation of the facility. Sean Jones, managing director of ATI, says theacquisitionof thenewcampuswill play a critical role in reigniting opportuni- ties for youth in the Northern Cape. “We are delighted that the De Beers group has put its trust in ATI to continue the excellent track record of producing skilled artisans at an internationally ac- credited level at the campus,” says Jones. ATI has been working closely with government and private sector partners
leap forward in fulfilling our promise of providing quality technical skills develop- ment at an international standard across South Africa. It adds substantially to our current training capacity that includes a campus in Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal,” Jones concludes. Fast Facts The training facility is an accredited pro- vider with the following institutions: • QCTO a n d Na t i o n a l A r t i s a n Moderating Body (NAMB) – Artisan SkillsDevelopment Provider andTrade Testing Centre for the country • SouthAfricanMarine SafetyAuthority –EngineeringMarineCadetworkshop programme • ISO9001/2015 certification –Quality assurance The following SETAs are utilised: MiningQualificationAuthority (MQA), Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA), the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA) and the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) The training facility comprises work- shopsthatprovidetraininginthefollowing trades: Auto Electrician, Diesel Mechanic, Electrician,FitterandTurner,Fitterinclud- ing Machining, Instrument Mechanician, Millwright, Plater Welder/Boilermaker.
ATI has successfully piloted a mid- level skills programme for Harambee, a leading non-profit organisation focusing on creating livelihoods for youth. The InstallationRepairandMaintenance(IRM) programme bridges the gap between en- gineering theory and work readiness. ATI plans to roll out the IRMprogramme at the Kimberley facility. “This approach creates new revenue streams for the centre, making use of some of the vacant workshops and bol- stering its corporate social responsibility commitments within the Northern Cape,” says Jones. The34hectare campus area comprises an electrical, fitting and turning, plater, diesel mechanic and control, and instru- mentation section that can accommodate up to 240 learners. The facility can also provide student lodging in a 1.9 hectare accommodation section. Since2008, ATI hasqualifiedmore than 17 000 artisans in various engineering trades. Its vision is tobe the leading techni- cal training provider for aspiring artisans in the engineering sector, broadening its services across South Africa, and Sub- Saharan Africa. “The acquisition of the De Beers tech- nical training campus brings us another
ATI plans to roll out the IRM programme at the Kimberley facility.
Compact IR camera with industrial accessories the shutter can be used in intermittent processes so that the optics are exposed to environmental con- ditions only during the measurement process.
COMTEST– local representativeof global leader in infrared camera technologies, Optris – has announced an addition to the IRCompact Line, theXi 80andXi 400, now with new industrial accessories for use in rough conditions. The systemhas amodu- lar designandas a result, thewater-cooled housing, the air purge unit and the shutter can be used individually or combined. The shutter mechanism protects the high-quality IR camera optics The stainless-steel shutter is generally used to protect the optics from contami- nation and foreign objects. This is particu- larly important when the infrared camera measures upwards and the measurement objects are above it, such as in the glass industry. With a response time of just 100ms, the IRcamera isoptimallyprotect- ed fromfalling broken glass. Furthermore,
Temperature measurement in rough conditions A stainless-steel, water-cooled housing and an air purge collar made of anodised aluminum are available so that the com- pact infrared camera can be used in rough conditions in the industry. Cooling allows for use in hot environments up to 250°C. The air purgeunit protects against air par- ticles and prevents condensation on the optics. It can be screwed on in 4 positions, allowing the air flow to be customised for the application. Integrated into the air
The stainless-steel shutter is generally used to protect the optics from contamination and foreign objects purge unit is a siliconewindow that can be replacedwithout complex assembly steps if it suffers mechanical damage.
36 ¦ MechChem Africa • September 2019
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