MechChem Africa September-October 2020

⎪ Minerals processing and materials handling ⎪

Trio ® crushers boost capacity in Oman

and excessive wear.” Running for 10 hours a day, seven days a week, the operation needed to be efficient. It could not afford excessive downtime caused by unexpected stoppages or frequent main- tenance. Masekwameng highlights that the rugged Trio TP range is specially designed for heavy duty crushing, and the Trio TP350 model was ideal for this application. “After detaileddiscussionswith theplant’s general manager to understand their needs, we recommended thismodel,” she says. “With its capacity of 340 to 370 t/h at the same closed side setting of 38 mm, we were sure it would deliver the right result.” Not only did it achieve the required out- put, but it also reduced downtime by 50%. Installation was straightforward, requiring only an adaptor motor base to accommodate the larger 250 kWelectric motor. Noting the crusher’s ease of maintenance, the customer was also pleased with its consistent perfor- mance and reliability. “Our TrioTP cone crushers feature a steep crushing chamber angle and a large crushing stroke,” says Masekwameng. “They operate at an optimumspeed to deliver a high-quality productthroughincreasedinter-particlecom- minution.” She adds that the crushers are also designed toallowformaximummobilitywith- out sacrificing versatility or crushing force. The Trio crusher range is compatible with Weir’s Synertrex ® technology for remote monitoring. Synertrex is an industrial inter- net-of-things (IIoT) platform that monitors mining equipment for peak reliability and performance.

In a demanding application involving hard, coarse-grained gabbro for use as construction aggregate, a Trio ® TP350 cone crusher supplied byWeir Minerals Africa has raised production by 30%.

W henoneofthelargestcrushing operationsinOmanneededto raise its production by 30%, Weir Minerals knew that a Trio TP350 cone crusher was the answer. It was a demanding application, involving the crushing of hard, coarse-grained gabbro for use as constructionaggregate. Gabbrohas a high compressive strength of 220 to 230

MPa and an abrasion index of 0.45. The exist- ing crusherwas running at 270 to 280 tonnes per hour with a closed side setting of 38 mm. “The operators wanted to increase the crushingplant’s capacity toover 300 t/h,” says TiisetsoMasekwameng, general manager for comminution at Weir Minerals Africa. “This could not be achieved without overloading the existing crusher, leading to machine trips

Trio TP cone crushers feature a steep crushing chamber angle and a large crushing stroke. They are optimised to deliver a high-quality product through increased inter-particle comminution.

Base model carbon steel flexible screw conveyor

Flexicon has introduced a new base model 1450flexiblescrewconveyorwitha115mm OD polymer conveyor tube and low-cost carbon steel floor hopper and discharge housing. Round, square, flat or bevelled flexible screws in any length from 3.0 to 12 m are offered to convey virtually any free- and non-free-flowing bulk materials, including products that pack, cake, seize, smear or break apart. Key innovations include: • The only moving part contacting the material is the inner screw, which self- centres as it rotates, providing ample space between the screw and tube wall to minimise or eliminate grinding. The lower end of the screw requires no bearing, while the upper end is driven beyond the point of discharge,

preventingmaterial contactwithbear- ings or seals. • Fully enclosed, the conveyor tube pre- ventsproductandplantcontamination, while thegentle rollingaction imparted by the screw prevents the separation of blends. • Flexicon’sModel 1450 is availablewith an optional start-stop control panel anda rangeof flow-promotiondevices. The company alsomanufactures other flex - ible screw conveyors, as well as pneumatic conveying systems, tubular cable conveyors, bulk bag dischargers, bulk bag conditioners, bulk bag fillers, manual dumping stations, drum/box/container tippers, weighbatching systems, andautomatedplant-wide systems integrated with new or existing process equipment.

Flexicon’s new base model 1450 flexible screw conveyor has a 115 mm polymer conveyor tube and

carbon steel floor hopper and discharge housing. Flexible screws from 3.0 to 12 m are available to convey virtually any bulk materials, including products that pack, cake, seize, smear or break apart.

September-October 2020 • MechChem Africa ¦ 17

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