MechChem Africa September-October 2020
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Mesura’s PRODIGI ultrasonic smart gas meters
of sending data fromelectronic devices to suppliers and customers through Internet of Things (IoT) cloud solutions. Another important feature of the new meter, addsRas, is that it canmeasurevery low flow rates. “During our quality assur - ance analysis, Energas conducted tests where we connected a normal diaphragm meter and the Mesura UFM meter to a small single-plate gas stove and left it running. Over the two hour test period at very low flow rates, the Mesura meter registered higher flow volume (0.052 m³) compared to the standard diaphragm meter (0.042 m³). Ras makes special mention of the au- tomatic gas shut-off valve installed inside the Mesura meter, which also allows the gas provider to remotely open or close the gas flow. In addition, the range comes fitted with metrological or transmission grade lithium-ion batteries, which can last up to 15 or seven years, respectively, under standard conditions. The Model DS703FC videoscope of- fers wireless synching of images directly to the Fluke Connect ® system, which are then attached to an asset record or work order. Having access to maintenance records simultaneously at the inspection site and from the office or an off-site loca - tion enables faster decision making and real-time collaboration between team members.Liveimagesorvideoscanalsobe streamed fromthe Scope to a smartphone or computer. Scan the QR code to watch chips, and contamination inHP chambers; heavy-duty maintenance – inspection of clogged pipelines, corrosion in rotors and stators; and much more.
benefits of the range, Ras says current installationsinSouthAfricausediaphragm meters tomeasure the volumeof gas pass- ing through them. “A diaphragm meter has a mechanical counter and, as the gas passes through the meter, the counter turns relative to the volume of gas used,” he says. The Mesura PRODIGI ultrasonic smart gas meter uses ultrasonic pulses transmitted through the tubeof themeter in the direction of the gas flow and in the oppositedirection.Thedifferenceintrans- mission time between the two ultrasound signals gives an accurate indication of the gas flow rate. The other main feature of the Mesura gas meter range is that it is ‘smart’. The GSM/NBIoT communication module in- stalled inside the Mesura meter ensures all data captured by the meter can be transmitted remotely via GSM network infrastructure to gas providers. The com- municationmodule also has the capability of the orientation of the probe (avail- able with selected probes). • Macro to micro zoom function. • Adjustable lighting to capture the best image. • Processing speeds that render a smooth, clear and consistent image. • Intuitive user interfacewith easy-to- navigate button technology. These rugged videoscopes are designed for a variety of industrial applications, suchas: production– inspectionof bearing surfaces and lubrication, and gear helix inspection; aircraft maintenance – blade inspection, engine hot section contamina- tion; automotive quality assurance – test- ing of casting goods, inspection for cracks,
NewtoEnergasTechnologies’comprehen- sive offering is a range of gas meters from Mesura Metering, a Cavagna Group com- pany fromItaly. PRODIGI ultrasonic smart meters, explains DeWet Ras of Energas, are ultrasonic smart meters mainly for large-scale housing developments such as complexes,apartmentsandestates,aswell as business parks and shopping centres. Commenting on the key features and Mesura’s PRODIGI ultrasonic smart meters from Energas are mainly used for large-scale housing developments. While videoscopes are commonly used in many applications, industrial inspections require a powerful, high-resolution vid- eoscope that clearlydisplays the condition of internal equipment components. High- resolution videoscopes allow industrial maintenance teams to quickly identify equipment issues and schedulepreventive maintenance measures to avoid costly unplanned shut-downs. Comtest is now offering the 800x600 resolution Fluke DS701 Diagnostic Videoscope and 1 200x720 resolution DS703FC high resolution version – built for industrial maintenance troubleshoot- ing and quality assurance testing, which is designed to stand up to challenges of a rugged environment. Features include: • High definition probes with dual- view cameras, allowing the video- scope to take images andvideoeither forward or to the side to capture the images in difficult or hard to reach locations. • 7-inch LCD screen for easy viewing. • IP68 ratedprobe (imager) for protec- tionagainst dust andwater projected from against a spray nozzle. • Engineered towithstanda twometre drop. • Incorporates Up ® technology, which rotates thedisplay screen toallowfor appropriate imagedisplay, regardless
Diagnostic videoscopes for troubleshooting, maintenance and repair
a YouTube video about the use of Fluke DS701 & DS 703FC Diagnostic Videoscopes.
High-resolution videoscopes allow industrial maintenance teams to quickly identify equipment issues and schedule preventive maintenance.
September-October 2020 • MechChem Africa ¦ 37
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