MechChem Africa September-October 2020
⎪ Maintenance and asset management ⎪
propellers in large boats such as frigates. The hydraulic oil injection systemmakes for easier installation and removal which, in terms of cost saving, extended lifespan and increased productivity, is particularly beneficial for very
large sized grids or gear couplings. Odendaal says that although the boat market in South Africa is not very big, the application still holds value locally. “We can tap into SKF’s global support network and expertise, and
combine this with our local knowledge and experience to add value for customers, put- ting them in a position to achieve and even exceed their productivity and profitability goals,” he concludes. q
SKF Enlight ProCollect extends lubrication management support SKF has extended the capability of its Enlight ProCollect portable data collection system to enable maintenance engineers to plan lubrication routes around a factory or process operation. The latest version includes a lubrication management tool to enable maintenance personnel to plan detailed manual lubrication routines for factory equipment. maintenance strategies. The new function- ality, made possible by an update to the SKF ProCollect app, helps users to collect vibration data and carry out re-lubrication simultaneously. When creating lubrication routes, main- tenance managers can define the correct lubricant, amount, location and interval of mind. They know instantly that a lubrica- tion routehas beencompletedcorrectly and on-schedule, withgreater visibilityof overall maintenance activities, route status, team performance and asset health. The latest SKF ProCollect app with the extended lubricationmanagement capabili- ty isnowavailable fromonlineAppStores. q
in advance. They can also document specific assets and their lubrication demands via aweb-based cloudportal called SKF Enlight Centre. In thisway, lubrication routes can be assigned to individual maintenance staff. Technicians are alertedwhen each routeisdue,andthemobileappguides them through the correct lubrication routine. Lubrication data is entered directlyintotheappandautomatically uploaded to allow documentation to be instantly completed and subse- quent analysis of factors such as route verification and task trends. This approach helps companies makebetter-informeddecisionswhile giving maintenance managers peace
Lubrication is vital to rotatingequipment performance and needs to be carried out at regular intervals. The new enhancement to Enlight ProCollect will help manufacturing and process organisations to improvemain- tenance procedures, with the potential to increase uptime and reduce costs. “This is a significant step towards inte - gratingconditionmonitoringandlubrication data,” explains Barrie Rodgers, product line manager for Mobile Solutions at SKF. “The extended scopeof Enlight ProCollect allows users tocreate, scheduleandcarryout lubri- cation routes more effectively.” Enlight ProCollect is a portable condi- tion-based monitoring system that helps companies adopt digitalisation into their
SKF has extended the capability of its Enlight ProCollect portable data collection system to enable maintenance engineers to plan lubrication routes.
Clip-on indicator, configuration and data logging tool
WIKA has introduced the new PR 4512 clip-on, Bluetooth- enabled data logging and configuration tool for all of its PR 4000 and 9000 measurement devices. ThePR4512 tool enables operators tomonitor liveprocess values and diagnostic information on an iOS/Android device running the free PPS application. Alternatively, measured values and/or configuration data can be accessed directly on the PR 4512’s display. Advanced data logging, including time stamped events utilising the built-in real-time clock, is embedded into the device. With its 100 MB onboard memory, the PR 4512 can logmore than2.75-million data points. This typically amounts to 30 days of recorded process data at one-second intervals – ideal for preventive maintenance. While on-site, the tool makes it very easy to analyse real- time process data by uploading it to an iOS or Android device. Off-site, the data can be viewed in .csv format for convenient transfer and advanced analysis using computer-based condi- tion monitoring/data analysis packages.
September-October 2020 • MechChem Africa ¦ 7
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