MechChem Africa September-October 2021

⎪ Local manufacturing and food processing ⎪

Water and Agriculture: The Bivane (Paris) Dam; numerous projects growing and irrigating sugar cane on over 250 000 hectares across four continents; under- taking of agricultural assignments in over 100 countries; water master planning in Bulawayo for one million inhabitants; regional planning for iLembe District Municipality; water reticulation analy- sis and design in Zimbabwe, KwaZulu- Natal and Johannesburg; the Vlakfontien 210 ML Reservoi r ; the eThekwini ’ s Northern Aqueduct in KZN; A communal ablution programme servicing 350 infor- mal settlements; one of the largest flood protection works in SA to control floods up to 10 000 m 3 /s . Roads: The R1-bn phased re-alignment and upgrade of the N2 fromGrahamstown to Fish River; rehabilitation of urban arte- rials and streets for eThekwini; implemen- tation of the new R600-million Gonubie Link Road dual-carriageway urban arteria. Urban Developments: Brettenwood The Group’s carefully structured global growth strategy has also seen the establish- ment of Bosch East Africa in Kenya and the acquisition of Booker Tate Limited in theUK. The Bosch East Africa team, which is based in Nairobi, is well-positioned to lead projects in and beyond Kenya with profes- sional services including mechanical and electrical engineering, building services, project and construction management. Booker Tate in the UK is a leading global agri-business consultancy that specialises in bringing agricultural projects to realisation. Over five decades Booker Tate has devel- oped recognised world class competencies in conceptualising, implementing and pro- fessionally managing large-scale renewable resource production systems. Engenharia was a significant milestone, creating newopportunities for the company to offer enhanced engineering services to include multidisciplinary engineering, equipment supply and plant operations management in the South, Central and North America’s.

The 200 000 t coking coal storage facility in Richards Bay.

Bosch Trading offers a customised solutions service to clients looking to improve the ef- ficiencies of sugar and ethanol factories in Brazil and Central America. The company acquires and supplies both new and refur- bished plant and equipment from Brazil on an international basis.

With the Bosch Holdings team’s steadfast commitment to excellence, the highest standards of service delivery and to uplift- ing the quality of life for the people of South Africa, the company is set to celebratemany more milestones.

Notable milestone and award-winning projects

the design and supply of 15 patented Bosch Projects chainless diffusers and 61 continuous vacuum pans global ly; numerous 25+ MW power plants, includ- ing integration to both factories and the Eskom grid; worldwide experience in the FMCG industries, including a rum plant in the Caribbean, alcohol plants in East Africa and many breweries assignments; numerous l arge mater i a l s handl ing projects, including a 750 000 tpa sugar packing plant in Egypt, and a 9 000 t/hr conveyor design. Training and Development: notable achievements include the development programme for Transnet Capital Projects of 30 Black women and for 1 000 staff for BMW. F i n a n c i a l Ad v i s o r y S e r v i c e s : Undertaken eight water sector study p r o j e c t s f o r t he Wa t e r Re s e a r c h Commission and transactional advisory work for a large parastatal for ports and terminals in South Africa. q

Coastal Estate; the 49 ha Bridge City new CBD development; international development experience with a resi- dential and mixed-use Fumba devel- opment on Zanz ibar i s land; the Mt Edgecombe Ret i rement Vi l lage; the 2 0 0 0 h a N t s h o n g w e n i U r b a n Development, including the participation in establishing the world’s largest Green Star rated urban area, with R6-billion infrastructure services. Buildings: The Serena Hotel 200 room refurbishment and additional top floor in Kenya; refurbishment of the Westgate Mall after the terror attack in Nairobi; the Coega Head Office; a prestigious Sandton office upgrade. Sugar and Industrial: the greenfield TSB Komat i Sugar Mi l l ; a 200 000 t coking coal storage facility in Richards bay; the first and largest 4 MW Biomass plant (Bio2Watt) in Africa; the Ubombo expansion project – the largest brown- field sugar expansion project in Africa;

September-October 2021 • MechChem Africa ¦ 37

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