MechChem Africa September-October 2023

Zest WEG powers Kipushi’s new dawn Mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is seeing the rebirth of the historic Kipushi Zinc-Copper Mine in the Katanga province, and Zest WEG is providing key electrical and energy infrastructure.

MV switchgear, six 3 150 kVA ONAN type 400 V/6.6 kV step-up transformers, a 40 000-litre fuel tank and an automated fuel system.” He highlights that splitting the plant design into smaller generating units ensured engines and alternators were readily available, secur ing a quicker delivery time. The configuration of the plant in this way gives the mine greater energy security in the case of maintenance or breakdown. The gensets can also be trans ported to site using conventional trucking, without the need for abnormal load vehicles. The MCCs are being supplied for use in an established substation on the Kipushi Zinc Copper mine, as well as for a containerised substation elsewhere on the site. To accommodate space constraints, the MCCs are designed for a back-to-back con figuration with a compact bucket size, he explains. “This ensures that the equipment will fit in the available space while still meet ing the client’s specification and stringent IEC standards,” he adds. For the mine’s SAG mill, Zest WEG is providing the WEG W60 MV motor rated at 1 200 kW – a robust unit for the demanding applications and aggressive environments found in the mining sector, says Naidoo. The reduced motor weight holds distinct benefits, he notes, including a compact base plate or plinth onto which it is mounted – and lower installation costs. The motor’s IP55 rating ensures the motor is well protected from dust and water ingress.

Zest WEG is providing key electrical and energy infrastructure to the historic Kipushi Zinc-Copper Mine in the DRC's Katanga province.

A s part of Ivanhoe Mines’ refurbish ment of the historic Kipushi Zinc Copper Mine in the DRC, Zest WEG will be supplying a range of electrical and energy solutions. Ivanhoe Mines acquired its 68% interest in the Kipushi Project in November 2011, with the balance of 32% being held by the DRC's state-owned mining company, Gécamines. According to Luveshen Naidoo, business development and external sales engineer for Mining and Industrial at Zest WEG, this includes a 14 MW power plant, motor con trol centres (MCCs), WEG medium voltage

(MV) variable speed drives (VSDs) and a WEG 1 200 kW MV motor for the mine’s ball mill. The company is also the preferred sup plier of low voltage (LV) motors and will sup ply these to a range of mechanical Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) servicing the mine. Delivery of the equipment is ex pected to begin in the third quarter of 2023. “Our diesel-powered plant, which will provide the mine with backup energy, has been designed to comprise 12 generator sets – each rated at 1 587 kVA and 400 V,” says Naidoo. “Assembled at Zest WEG’s spe cialised Cape Town facility, the plant includes

Zest WEG is supplying a range of electrical and energy solutions to Kipushi Zinc-Copper Mine in the DRC.

26 ¦ MechChem Africa • September-October 2023

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