MechChem Africa September-October 2024

⎪ Heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning ⎪

age of trained personnel familiar with VoD technology can impede adoption, as mining companies may be reluc tant to invest in extensive training programmes. Safety Concerns: VoD systems have to be used with care, especially if the mine is at risk of rock strata gas ingress into the mine’s ventilation system. Stagnant air must be avoided to prevent a build-up of harmful gases like sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, methane or radon, for example. Navigating regulations and best practice for man aging these gases can be a challenging process. It is important to note that VoD is not uni versally suitable for all mining methods. VoD is particularly well-suited to massive mining techniques such as sub-level caving, blast hole stoping, or long hole open stop ing. These methods benefit significantly from VoD due to their large, open spaces and extensive ventilation requirements. In these environments, VoD can efficiently regulate airflow to match the dynamic needs of different sections of the mine, thereby maximising energy savings and improving air quality. Conversely, for smaller-scale or more in tricate mining methods, the complexity and •

If correctly implemented and maintained, VoD can provide significant benefits such as improved safety, enhanced air quality and reduced energy consumption.

cost of implementing VoD may outweigh the potential benefits, making traditional ventilation methods more practical. Despite these challenges, some mining operations have successfully implemented fully automated VoD systems, demonstrat ing their feasibility and benefits. VoD holds great potential for trans forming ventilation practices in mining. However, overcoming the barriers to its adoption requires a concerted effort from

industry stakeholders, government bodies, and technology providers to fully realise the benefits of this innovative technology and pave the way for safer and more efficient mining techniques. The saying, “You can only manage what you can measure” forms the basis for VoD, but it is also important to remember that “Rome was not built in a day”. Mines with successful VoD systems generally start small and then build on them.

September-October 2024 • MechChem Africa ¦ 23

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