Mechanical Technology February 2016

⎪ On the cover ⎪


Above: Sasol chose to use ABB UniGear ZS1 Digital switchgear with sensor technology (14 panels) as the main switchboard platform. Left: ABB’s E-House for Sasol Secunda is a mobile universal substation, suitable to be operated from any of the commonly used supply voltages, 3.3, 6.6 and 11 kV. The module is fitted to a roadworthy trailer with air suspension and a hydraulic self-levelling system so that it can be moved on public roads and quickly set up on site. Right: The E-House is equipped with the latest future-proof technology and a Remote Control Panel (RCP) in a separate room for remote operation of the breakers. Below right: ABB’s breaker technology is designed to create a revolving arc, which ensures that arcing never occurs at the same positions on the contacts. “That is why our contactors last so long,” says Jooste. • A substation pressurisation system. • An ARC venting ducting system di- rectly above the Unigear ZS1, which vents to atmosphere outside of the E-House. • A safari roof construction to enable airflow and additional cooling of the roof structure. • A roadworthy trailer with a hydraulic levelling system. Communication and information shar- ing between various components and systems are digitalised by using the IEC 61850 protocol. The installed Unigear ZS1 Digital switchgear, rated at 17.5 kV, 2 500 A and at 40 kA, gives the unit the flexibility to safely operate at any point in the Sasol plant where • Built in air conditioning. • A fire detection system.

are disconnect from the old switchgear and connected to the E-House. The plant equipment runs from the mobile E-House, enabling the permanent substa- tion to be safely upgraded without having to wait for a downtime opportunity,” Jooste informs MechTech . Once the upgrade/maintenance is completed, the E-House is disconnected and the plant reconnected to the on-site substation. ABB and Sasol chose to use UniGear ZS1 Digital switchgear as the main switchboard platform. The E-House is equipped with the latest future-proof technology. The broad scope includes: • Unigear ZS1 digital switchgear with sensor technology (14 panels). • A remote control panel in a separate room for remote operation of the breakers. • A remote engineering station for con- figuration and event recording. • An ac distribution board with 220 V or 380 V ac input supply options. • A 110 V dc distribution board. • An interposing relay panel for trans- former differential protection schemes. • A battery-tripping unit with a 25 Ah duel battery charger. (Batteries in- stalled in a separate battery room.) • An alarm annunciator panel alert- ing to any unhealthy or dangerous conditions.

switchgear replacement, refurbishment or maintenance may be required. All components of the trailer and E-House are locally manufactured. “We strive to use local manufacturers and sup- pliers for as much of the work as possible. All of the support systems, intellectual property and engineering design is local. “The outcome is a brilliant solution, which serves the needs of our customers” Jooste concludes. q

Mechanical Technology — February 2016


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