Mechanical Technology July 2015
⎪ Structural engineering materials, metals and non-metals ⎪
Hygiene and safety with stainless steel handrailing Andrew Mentis’ marketing manager, Elaine van Rooyen, describes how two troublesome issues in industry, hygiene and safety, can be addressed by using stainless steel handrailing.
S afety of personnel and hygiene continue to plague a number of market sectors and cost compa- nies thousands of Rands every year in downtime and lost profits. Andrew Mentis’ marketing manager, Elaine van Rooyen, says, “Stainless steel tube offers many advantages to the manufacturing, petrochemical/chemi- cal, food, beverage and pharmaceuti- cal industries. Exhibiting high levels of corrosion resistance, stainless steel can be used in rigorous environments, retaining strength at high temperatures. Furthermore, its non-porous properties offer a hygienic surface which, when coupled with its easy cleaning ability, makes stainless tube the primary choice for applications that require strict hygiene control, such as food and beverage pro- cessing plants.” The aesthetic appearance of its pol- ished surface is not only an added ben- efit, providing a modern and attractive appearance for most architectural metal applications, but stainless steel also increases ease of maintenance and pro- vides improved corrosion performance.
This not only enhances the extended life cycle and long term value created by using stainless steel for its corrosion resistance, but since rusting handrailing can be a major factor in accidents, it also increases the safety factor. Handrails are expected to meet both structural safety and aesthetic requirements.
Stainless steel handrailing provides improved corrosion performance resulting in longer life and improved safety.
cap is welded into place. The base plate is 8.0 mm thick and welded to the tube. Hand-, knee-rail and bends are manu- factured from 31.8 mm diameter tube with a 1.5 mm wall thickness. Bends and closures have swaged ends, improv- ing speed of installation and preventing moisture from penetrating into the joints. “Typically, the more corrosion resis- tant Type 316 stainless steel handrails are the most cost effective choice in demanding environments. They require minimal maintenance, no paint or coat- ing and provide safety and an attractive appearance. The service life of carbon steel and aluminium is typically limited by corrosion damage, which reduces structural integrity and appearance,” says Van Rooyen. In general applications, where cor- rosion is not a big factor, stainless steel handrailing can remain in situ with little or no maintenance, for many years. In more corrosive environments, for ex- ample close proximity to the sea or in locations with aggressive pollution and/ or chloride exposure, 316 stainless steel provides major maintenance cost savings over other handrail types. “Customised advice by our team of technical specialists ensures that the best handrail material is selected for the cus- tomer’s specific application. Factors such as environmental conditions, amount of human traffic and aesthetics come into play and dictate the final product used. Solutions for even the most arduous conditions are available,” Van Rooyen concludes. q
Traditional carbon steel, cast iron, and aluminium handrails can deteriorate quickly in exterior or industrial instal- lations with aggressive pollution and/ or chloride exposure. Andrew Mentis provides a variety of handrails in three alternative grades: 3CR12, 304 and 316 stainless steels. Stanchions on the Andrew Mentis stainless steel handrails are 45 mm in diameter with a 2.0 mm wall thickness and base plates are designed to allow moisture to drain from the stanchion itself, adding to the corrosion resistant benefits. The centre hole for the knee rail is drilled and then flared on both sides. The top is also flared and a half round
Stanchions on the Andrew Mentis stainless steel handrails are 45 mm in diameter with a 2.0 mm wall thickness and the 8.0 mm thick base plates are designed to allow moisture to drain from the stanchion. Inset: Stainless steel handrailing offers numerous benefits, including increased safety and hygiene.
Mechanical Technology — July 2015
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