Mechanical Technology July 2015

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Compressor Technique embraces new

Following Atlas Copco’s global acquisition of vacuum products specialist, Edwards, Atlas Copco Compressor Technique in South Africa has access to a comprehensive vacuum products range. In addition, the company is introducing its patent pending UD+ cartridge filter solution, along with a re-engineered range of GA compressors. MechTech talks to Pieter van Wyk and Dean Adriaanse.

I n April 2015, Atlas Copco launched its pioneering GHS 350-900 VSD+ vacuum pump range; a range of new- generation, highly efficient, intelli- gent vacuum pumps with variable speed drives. “Based on the well-known and durable plug-and-play design principles of Atlas Copco compressors, a series of vacuum pumps have now been developed to deliver peak performance at operating pressures commonly found in industrial applications,” says Dean Adriaanse, prod- uct manager of the company’s Industrial Air division in South Africa. Also new is the company’s UD+ compressed air filter cartridge, which replaces the combination of a general- purpose (DD) filter in series with a high- efficiency (PD) filter, which is currently used in over 50% of oil-injected compres- sor applications. “One of our new UD+ filters replaces two previous-generation filters and, as a consequence of the new

Nautilus media technology, gives a 40% lower pressure drop compared to the two-filter solution,” he adds. “And it doesn’t end there. We are also launching the re-engineered GA range of oil-injected rotary screw com- pressors, which, following intensive market research, have been tailored to better meet the real needs of custom- ers. Efficiency and reliability have been further improved, and servicing has been simplified to reduce operating costs,” Van Wyk tells MechTech . Atlas Copco’s vacuum solutions Drawing a vacuum, explains Adriaanse, involves creating suction pressures below atmospheric pressure. “There are two broad categories of vacuum, rough or fine, depending on the vacuum being drawn. We are currently focusing on rough vacuum pumps, which produce pressures from 1 000 down to 1.0 mbar.

Atlas Copco’s single-stage oil-sealed rotary vane pumps (GVS series) offer flows of between 20 and 365 m 3 /h. The Edwards range, however, gives us access to the fine vacuum products, which include three pressure ranges: medium (1.0 to 10 -5 mbar); high (10 -5 to 10 -9  mbar) and ultra-high vacuum, which involves pressures down to 10 ‑12  mbar,” he says. Edwards’ fine vacuum pumps are designed for dealing with scientific, research and development, semiconduc- tor manufacturing and thin film coating applications. “Rough or coarse vacuum pumps, on the other hand, are much more widely used in industry. Common applications include: vacuum forming and packaging; vacuum cooling; brick extrusion; auto- motive handling, pneumatic conveying of powders such as cement; vacuum extraction of waste fluids; CNC loading and unloading systems; and a host of vacuum lifting and pick and place materi- als handling applications. “Industries that make use of com- pressed air often also need vacuum pumps. So we have common customers. The compressor technology that we know so well, notably; screw, vane, scroll or claw compression principles, are also ap- plicable to vacuum. So the vacuum pump technology, although a new offering from Atlas Copco, is an excellent fit with our current business,” Adriaanse suggests. “The two offerings overlap significantly with respect to both customers and technology,” he argues. On the efficiency side, all of the ap- plied technology in Atlas Copco compres- sors is used in vacuum pump systems: VSD technology; motor and drive train systems; and control systems. “All of our previous expertise developed for com- pressors is directly applicable to vacuum systems,” assures Adriaanse.

The most advanced in Atlas Copco’s vacuum pump range is the recently released GHS VSD series.


Mechanical Technology — July 2015

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