Mechanical Technology may 2015
⎪ Materials handling and minerals processing ⎪
A specially designed 20 t capacity lifting beam for handling sugar bags.
A double girder top riding electric overhead crane.
up to 10.6 ton capacity at 80 m radius. The entire spectrum of tower cranes is used, with heavy capacity cranes proving popular on mines because of the size of the machinery and components being used in beneficiation plants.” He says that in Africa there are still many suitable lifting applications where tower cranes are not being utilised. “This is not to say that a tower crane is neces- sarily superior to a mobile crane, as each has its specific market sectors. However,
we do distinctly see that tower cranes are being under utilised in general industrial applications,” Van Breda says. He adds that operating in Africa in- volves an understanding of the logistical challenges, which include the remote- ness of some project sites and the fact that each country has completely dif- ferent cultural and business needs. The ability to adapt to each application is critical to successful implementation of projects. q
A ‘C’ hook from Elephant Lifting Equipment that is used for lifting steel coils.
• Optimum material flow • Up to 80% decrease in material degredation • Reduced dust and noise levels
• Virtually maintenance free • Greatly reduced spillage • Significant reduction in belt damage
Coralynne&Associates+27 (011)8493142
Tel: +27 (0) 11 827-9372 Fax: +27 (0) 11 827-6132
w w w . w e b a c h u t e s . c o m • w e b a @ m j e n g . c o . z a
Mechanical Technology — May 2015
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