Mechanical Technology may 2015
⎪ Industry forum ⎪
A firm belief that its employees are the glue that holds any business structure together and drives it towards sustain- ability forms the rationale behind the Zest WEG Group’s strategy to establish an empowerment company – Zest Empower Co (Pty) Ltd – which will have a 25.1% shareholding in Zest WEG Electric, the entity responsible for all sales within the borders of South Africa. Louis Meiring, CEO of Zest WEG Group, explains that the Group’s history is characterised by fairness, trust and respect, a passion for its work, excellence in customer service and the recognition of all people and communities. The group has operated a CSI initiative and its outreach has stretched across many areas of South Africa. The beneficiaries of the empowerment trust include all permanently employed, previously disadvantaged employees across all the South African operations of Zest WEG Group Africa. In an effort to outline the benefits that these employees BBBEE empowerment trust to benefit previously disadvantaged employees will experience, the organisation launched a road show, which was taken to all its operations in the country. The road show clearly explained the complexity and sig- nificance of the trust and emphasised the Group’s passion for its people, the recog- nition of their loyalty and the contribution they make to the company’s success. “It was critical to the success of the initiative that we maintain a high degree of transparency. The concept has been well accepted by employees and has stimulated increased levels of two-way communication, a positive contribu- tor to driving improvements within the company,” says Meiring. Finding the most sustainable model, that would secure the interests of the business and simultaneously provide
benefits for our employees, was ap- proached in a methodical and careful manner over an 18-month period. After careful consideration we believe that the current model is not only synergistic to all stakeholder needs, but is also extremely sustainable,” he adds. As part of the restructuring process, Zest WEG Electric will be introducing a new non-executive board member – Jack Phalane an at- torney from Fluxmans. “The company will continue on the strong foundation created over the past 35 years and will remain dedicated to the unwavering commitment and support to our customers. This new structure, we believe, will return us to a Level 4 BBBEE contributor status,” Meiring concludes. control and collection contract is for the design, manufacture and supply – includ- ing delivery to site – of three reverse- pulse filter baghouses to be installed in the mine’s second sulphuric acid plant currently under construction as an exten- sion to the existing ore processing plant.
Dust control contract for copper mine’s acid plant
Tenke Fungurume Mining in the DRC, one of the world’s largest producers of copper and cobalt, has awarded John Thompson Air Pollution Control (John Thompson APC) a contract on the recommendation of Johannesburg-based engineering and pro ject management contractors Hatch Goba. Hatch Goba, local subsidiary of the international Hatch engineering and project management group, made the recommendation on the basis of John Thompson APC’s longstanding track re- cord as a provider of dust control and air- cleaning solutions for large mining and industrial installations and its extensive expertise in the design and provision of reverse-pulse bag filter systems. The multi-million rand fast-track dust
Zest WEG Group’s is characterised by fairness, trust and respect, a passion for its work, excellence in customer service and the recognition of all people and communities.
ABB wins a large power plant automation order ABB, a leading power and automation technology group, has won an order worth over $160-million from Eskom, South Africa’s national electricity provider, to supply control systems, software and instrumentation for the 4 800 MW Kusile coal-fired power station under construction near Witbank.
to electricity utilities, with several systems already installed in South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “ABB’s state-of-the-art energy efficient technology solutions will help boost power supplies and bring reliable power supply to consumers,” says Claudio Facchin, presi- dent of ABB Power Systems division. ”We are pleased to continue with our contribu- tion to the development of South Africa’s power infrastructure through our power, automation and software capabilities.” ABB power plant automation and software ensure more effective plant op- erations, providing greater awareness and enabling faster response and better deci- sions that improve plant availability and efficiency.
wet flue gas desulphurisation technology in all its plant boilers. Eskom, which generates more than 90% of its electricity from coal- fired stations, is installing state-of-the-art clean coal technology to help ensure a long term, reliable source of base load electricity for the region. ABB is supplying a complete control and instrumentation solution for the entire plant, including boiler protection and plant simula- tor, engineering, installation, commissioning, optimisation and training. ABB is a leader in providing automation and software for advanced clean coal power plants, including supercritical installations such as Kusile. The project further strengthens ABB’s leading position as a global provider of ad- vanced automation and software solutions
Kusile will be the fourth largest coal- fired power station in the world and will help boost South Africa’s capacity. It’s among a new generation of high-pressure, high-temperature power installations, also known as supercritical, whose efficiency surpasses that of conventional coal-fired power plants, producing lower emissions and reducing fuel costs. Kusile will be the first in Africa to use
Mechanical Technology — May 2015
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