Modern Mining April 2018


currently selling at about US$230 per tonne CIF China, and chemical grade at approximately a 10 % premium and foundry sand quality at almost twice the price of metallurgical grade chrome concentrate. While the chromite – which can reach head grades of 23 % in the waste stream – is a welcome addition to mineral revenues, the efficient processing also reduces the chance of penalties being payable on contaminant levels in the PGM concentrate sent to smelters. One such modular plant for the extraction of chromite has already been commissioned and is currently in ramp-up and optimisation phase. Development is underway on modular RC plants for the treatment of coal fines and the modular concept is being applied to gold processing. “An added attraction for our mining custom- ers, however, is the commercial partnership that FLSmidth can offer, in which we shoulder part or all of the risk involved,” says Hazell. “We are so confident in the performance of our modular RC plant technology that we are prepared to install and run a modular plant on various terms, including a production share or toll treatment basis.” He notes that the capacity range for their modular units was initially targeted at about 100 t/h, but there is scope for units in the 50 to 80 t/h range. Hazell also highlights the oppor- tunity for mining operators who have mineral reserves contained in a waste dump, but in quantities that may not warrant the construc- tion of a full-sized process plant. On the other end of the scale, there are clients

Above: A Krebs deslim- ing cyclone underflow discharge with the manhole access door in the base of the RC plant. Left: An FLSmidth UHS vibrating protection screen used in a modular RC plant.


April 2018  MODERN MINING  37

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