Modern Mining April 2021
Zululand Anthracite Colliery ramps up operations following care and maintenance
In light of a rebound in market conditions, Zululand Anthracite Colliery, placed under care and maintenance in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is ramping up operations in order to meet market demand in 2021. By Mark Botha .
M enar COO KZN operat ions Bradley Hammond, who is overseeing the resump- tion of operations at Zululand Anthracite Colliery (ZAC) in the Ulundi district, about 100 km from Richards Bay in northern KwaZulu- Natal, says the mine has resumed operations and currently ramping up operations in order to meet customer supply requirements in 2021. “The year 2020 was very challenging for all indus- tries but we are seeing a steady rebound in market conditions and ZAC is well-placed to support existing and new customers on a long-term basis,” he says. Challenges Asked about progress at the colliery since the restart, Hammond says the reopening of the mine
Bradley Hammond, Menar COO, KZN operations. has proceeded “smoothly” despite a few minor challenges. “The restart systems and protocols we have
The colliery produces 1-million tonnes of anthracite per annum at full capacity.
16 MODERN MINING April 2021
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