Modern Mining April 2021
ARTICLES COVER 10 AECI Mining Explosives leading the next evolution in safe and efficient underground blasting TIN, TANTALUM & LITHIUM 14 Commencement of by-product test work at Uis ANTHRACITE COAL 16 Zululand Anthracite Colliery ramps up operations following care and maintenance COAL 18 Anglo American’s transition away from thermal coal PUMPS & VALVES 20 Choosing the right pumps and valves for your operation MODULAR PLANTS 24 Is the modular concept exploited to its full potential? 28 Three major drivers of modular plant projects 30 Multotec’s modular spiral test plants – a quick route to production
REGULARS MINING NEWS 4 Record sales at Tirupati’s primary graphite operations in Madagascar 4 New executive appointments at UMS 5 Coal production from top 10 mining companies to increase by up to 6,6% in 2021 6 Barrick’s 2020 Sustainability Report shows significant advances in ESG 6 Sibanye-Stillwater restructures historical Lonmin BEE structure 8 Exploration success for Perseus in Côte d’Ivoire 8 Resolute Mining’s Bibiani mining lease restored 9 Lucara announces 24-month extension to HB supply agreement SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS 32 Enabling safer blasting in reactive ground 32 Komatsu celebrates 100 years 33 TOMRA’s new XRT guarantees 99% diamond recovery 33 Rosond sets a new benchmark for gender equality in mining 34 New tech from Maptek to uncork geology bottleneck 34 Super-span maintenance crane for platinum concentrator 35 Gold standard protection for mining data 36 Abrasive solids handling made simple with new Warman pump 38 New Cat 992 wheel loader increases productivity by up to 32% 39 Efficient control of dust and material spills in underground conveyor systems 39 Metso Outotec to supply processing tech to copper-silver project in Botswana EXPERT VIEW 40 Simulation training reduces risk, improves safety and productivity for mines 7 Updated life of mine for Syama 7 Beryl Group acquires Eyethu Coal 36 Booyco expands its coal footprint as Level 9 looms 37 FLSmidth high density thickeners double mine output
ON THE COVER Delivering smart explosive delivery systems and solutions for the underground mining industry is part of AECI Mining’s integrated offering. The company’s Underground Bulk System’s value proposition entails improved blast outcomes, efficiencies and cost containment from ‘mine to mill’. See story on page 10.
April 2021 MODERN MINING 1
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