Modern Mining August 2018
MC Mining moves to owner mining at Uitkomst MC Mining (formerly Coal of Africa Limited) has announced an agreement with the independent mining contractor at the Uitkomst metallurgical and thermal coal colliery that has resulted in the colliery becoming an owner-operated mine. of underground mining operations at Uitkomst is an opportunity to progress the overall performance at the colliery and facilitates the implementation of a number of initiatives, including enhanced control of production costs, as well as improved asset availability, leading to increased run- of-mine (ROM) coal production.
management oversight at the colliery dur- ing this process. “The transaction results in employees previously employed by Khethekile being employed directly by Uitkomst with no disruption to operations and we are confident that the operational cost effi- ciencies, asset availability and production improvements will be realised. The direct control of Uitkomst mining operations is expected to result in a steady increase in output and the colliery is expected to exceed FY2018’s production levels during FY2019. “MC Mining has undergone a substan- tial transformation with the purchase of the Uitkomst colliery and this is set to be advanced with the insourcing of mining operations. A significant feature has been the evolving strength of the Uitkomst management team and I am confident that they will deliver on the integration of the Khethekile business as well as the various improvement initiatives.”
Uitkomst is a high-grade thermal export quality coal deposit with metallur- gical applications, which is situated in the Utrecht coalfields in KwaZulu-Natal. The underground operations at Uit komst have historically been undertaken by an independent mining contractor, Khethekile Mining. Under the terms of the ‘Sale of Business Agreement’, Uitkomst has acquired all of Khethekile’s mining equip- ment (including conveyor systems and coal mining and transportation equipment). The Uitkomst colliery has a remaining life of mine of approximately 16 years, including a planned mine extension and the coal produced is sold into the domes- tic metallurgical and thermal markets. According to MC Mining, the insourcing
“MC Mining acquired Uitkomst during 2017 and has implemented sub- stantial changes at the colliery, resulting in improvements and cost savings,” com- ments David Brown, Chief Executive Officer of the company. “However, more recently, mining production has been adversely affected by contractor equip- ment availability challenges and the company investigated potential solutions. This resulted in the conclusion of negotia- tions with Khethekile’s owners to acquire the mining assets and take over the operations. The increase in ROM produc- tion evidenced in the June 2018 quarter is attributable to augmented Uitkomst
August 2018 MODERN MINING 11
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