Modern Mining August 2018
Above: One of the seven wash plants that ACF operates (photo: ACF). Right: The baghouse of the aluminothermic plant. the creation of 50 new jobs, bringing the total number of employees at ACF to over 1 250, around 40 of them expats. The plant – which uses a unique smelting technology based on an exothermic alumino- thermic reaction – will increase the economic value of the high grade chromite ore ACF pro- duces by removing large quantities of gangue minerals, resulting in the production of a higher grade ferrochrome with minimum impurities. One of the more important reasons for beneficiation of chromite by way of the alumi- nothermic process is the lack of electricity at ACF’s relatively remote location. The process used by the plant requires no electricity and allows ACF to increase the economic value of the chromite it mines by way of beneficiation. Beneficiation of raw material is in line with the Zim-ASSETS programme endorsed by the Zimbabwean Government. Ashruf Kaka, ACF National Projects Liaison Officer, describes the new plant as “a very exciting step both for our flagship operation, and for the development of Zimbabwe’s ferro- chrome industry. Zimbabwe currently sits on over 12 % of global chrome reserves and we want to help the country fulfil its true poten- tial as a major global player in the production and beneficiation of this vital stainless steel ingredient.” The plant was designed in-house by a team led by ACF’s Chief Technical Officer, John Drummond, with Xram Technologies,
August 2018 MODERN MINING 27
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