Modern Mining August 2018


Joint venture awarded contract by Exxaro

T DS Projects Construction has been awarded the contract for two distinct but integrated projects at Exxaro’s Matla Mine 2 and Mine 3. TDS will be working alongside Newrak Mining, with whom it has entered into a joint venture for this project. Under the terms of the con- tract, the project will be jointly managed by the two companies. The parties will work together firstly on mining development that will focus on tunnel drilling and blasting to make way for decline and vertical infrastruc- ture construction in Matla’s Mine 2 and Mine 3. TDS will then head up the infrastructure development project. The scope of work for the mine development phase of the project for Matla 2 and Matla 3 will consist of drilling, blasting, mucking and the hauling of inter-seam material and coal to develop the initial run-around.

It will also include development of the roof support and guniting of walls and roof incline sections. Two declines that will be developed at Matla 3 and two inclines at Matla 2 will link the current coal seam 4 works with the seam 2 reserve. “This infrastructure development will advance Exxaro’s coal min- ing operations at Matla,” says TDS Managing Director Hennie Coetzee. “We are extremely enthusiastic about the opportunity to work with Newrak on this project and we look forward to establishing a long and successful rela- tionship with Exxaro.” According to TDS Operational Director Willie Pieters, Exxaro will benefit from TDS’s unique approach and methodology. “TDS has a field proven construction management methodology and a proven safety track record. To ensure smooth project delivery, we will also be using a new

financial management system, a tagging and reporting system and dashboard reporting from a project management perspective,” he says. Pieters further explains that there is also immense value for their clients in the fact that TDS Projects Construction is part of the Thuthukani Group which has extensive capabilities and a completely turnkey service offering. “Our sister companies, Thuthukani Engineering Solutions and SFS Steel Fabrication, will be utilised in the Matla project to form part of our total solution offering which includes our commitment to ‘value engineering’. This refers to our unique mining and construction methodology that is designed to unlock value for our cli- ents’ future operations.” The project will kick off on 7 Sep­ tember 2018 with the first blast taking place at Mine 3 for the mining develop- ment phase. 

August 2018  MODERN MINING  41

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