Modern Mining August 2019
liberation circuit consists of crushing and milling, followed by conventional recovery by mill-float-mill- float (MF2) circuits for the production of acidspar and metspar. The flotation plant, operated at an elevated tem- perature, has separate coarse and fine inter-grown crystal circuits which produce separate acidspar and metspar concentrate streams. The acidspar
exhausted. In the last three to four years, mining will focus on a deeper portion of the Outwash Fan pit. If Wiltin proves to be economic, the mine life could ultimately be further extended. Countering the simplicity of the mining opera- tion is the relative complexity of the plant, with the processes involved going beyond those seen, for example, in the platinum sector. The mineral
The processing plant of the Nokeng Fluorspar Mine (photo: SepFluor).
The TSF has been designed to accommodate around 9 Mt of tailings over the life of mine.
August 2019 MODERN MINING 21
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