Modern Mining August 2019
mine operations are graduates of the facility. In terms of infrastructure, Nokeng is well served. Its power – maximum demand is estimated at 12 MW – is sourced from Eskom via a dedicated 14 km long, 132 kV overhead power line which was constructed on a ‘self-build’ basis by SepFluor. The mine’s bulk water requirement is drawn from a well- field located within the project area , with re-use of water optimised to limit this requirement. With the mine property straddling the D567 provincial road, the project has also involved some roadworks, with SepFluor having upgraded the D567 to accommo- date the mine. Moving forward, SepFluor has two expansions in the pipeline – a new mine, Wallmannsthal, situated 30 km to the south-west of Nokeng, and a fluorochemi- cals facility at Ekandustria, near Bronkhorstpruit, which will be in support of Government’s Fluorochemical Expansion Initiative (FEI). Wallmannsthal, a volcanic-pipe, is currently the subject of a Definitive Feasibility Study by SepFluor, and the plan is to finance its construction from oper- ating cash flows from Nokeng. The deposit has a SAMREC-compliant resource of 7,9 Mt containing 45,78 % CaF 2 . A detailed Pre-Feasibility Study has been completed and a mining right is already in place. The project would likely boost SepFluor’s annual pro- duction of fluorspar to about 280 000 tonnes. Under present plans, the proposed fluorochemi- cals facility will beneficiate acid-grade fluorspar from Nokeng and Wallmannsthal to produce 60 000 t/a of hydrofluoric acid, of which 41 000 t/a will be used to produce 60 000 t/a of aluminium fluoride for local and export markets. The excess hydrofluoric acid will be used in the manufacture of a wide range of finished products. “We’re probably talking about plus US$300 million in capex and a 30-month build time, so this is a very substantial project,” comments Wagner. “But the benefits are huge and the facility has the potential to be the anchor for an entire industrial hub.” On the subject of timing, Wagner says it is diffi- cult to give any precise answer at this stage. “We’re pursuing both Wallmannsthal and the fluorochemi- cals facility in tandem. Under a best case scenario, we could perhaps see Wallmannsthal enter con- struction two years from now. With respect to the
Above: Boilers in the steam plant, which is operated and maintained by EP Dryden. Left: Looking from the primary crusher towards the main ore stockpile. The conveyor runs underneath the D567 provincial road.
fluorochemicals plant, we’re now focused on secur- ing the financing and it’s difficult to say how long this will take. We’re nevertheless very positive about both projects and are confident that they will both be implemented,” he concludes. Photos by Arthur Tassell (unless otherwise credited)
August 2019 MODERN MINING 23
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