Modern Mining August 2019
HPE introduces new excavators from Hyundai to gain a thorough understand- ing of changing conditions in different sectors,” explains Alex Ackron, Managing Director of HPE Africa. “Through the introduction of new construction machines – delivered in required sizes, with specified capacities and necessary performance features – the com- pany ensures customers continue to achieve the highest levels of pro- ductivity, cost effective operation and enhanced safety on site.” The Hyundai R480LC-9S track- The Hyundai R480LC-9S excavator.
with low-emission, water-cooled Cummins QSM11-C 4-cycle diesel engines, with power ratings of 263 kW at 1 900 rpm, offering high power, reliable performance and fuel efficiency. Hyundai R330LC-9S excavators, with an operating weight of 32 700 kg, offer a standard 1,44 m³ bucket, a digging force of 205,5 kN and an arm crowd force of 194,2 kN. They have a 500 litre fuel tank and a 600 mm shoe width and are fitted with a 6,45 m boom and 2,50 m arm. The hydraulic pump operates at 2 x 282 litre/min. R330LC-9S excavators are fitted with Hyundai HCEC_HM8.3 low-emission, water-cooled, 4-cycle diesel engines, with power ratings of 196 kW at 1 900 rpm. Other noteworthy features include hydraulic system improvements and com- puter aided power, which ensure enhanced performance, smoother operation and pre- cision control. A newly-designed pump compartment controls functions such as two speed travel, power boost, auto boom- swing priority and a safety lock. HPE Africa, website: 13 500 mm/h can be detected – reportedly the best in the market. “This means predicting potential failures earlier and increasing warning times. It will result in overall safer open-pit mines in areas prone to fast moving slopes and with rapidly changing atmospheric conditions,” says Greyling. Reutech Mining, website:
mounted excavator has an operating weight of 49 500 kg, a 3,2 m³ rock-bucket capacity and a digging force of 266,4 kN. These machines, with a 621 litre fuel tank, have a 600 mm shoe width and are fitted with a 6,55 m boom and 2,40 m arm, with an arm crowd force of 301,7 kN. The hydraulic pump operates at 2 x 380 litre/ min. These tracked excavators are fitted mining operations in a safer, monitored environment. “We are very proud of this very advanced system,” says Reutech Mining Executive Jan de Beer. “At Reutech Mining we are constantly striving to design and produce the most effective slope moni- toring solutions with radar. It has proven to minimise risk in daily operations, is critical to mining planning and increases productivity. Nothing satisfies us more than providing the best possible data with the least interruption to daily operations and we are certain that the fourth generation MSR will do exactly that.” Adds Neville Greyling, Product Manager: “With the MSR IV Esprit’s exceptional scan time of less than two seconds for an entire area covering more than 22 million m² at an operating range of 4 000 m, we ensure that virtually no noise is introduced. Due to the fact that an entire area is measured instantaneously, we can provide the truest, up-to-date slope data.” Accuracy is of utmost importance in the mining industry: coupling instanta- neous 3D area measurements with the fast scan speed ensures that, when doing critical monitoring, slope velocities of up to
HPE Africa has recently launched two new series of Hyundai excavators – the R480LC-9S range and the R330LC-9S machines – designed for high performance in tough conditions in industries such as mining and quarrying. “As part of our commitment to meeting exact market demand and to constantly improving our service standards, the HPE Africa team works closely with customers Reutech Mining, based in Stellenbosch, is launching what it says is the fastest scanning and most sophisticated slope monitoring radar in the industry, the MSR IV Esprit. The exceptional high scan speed ensures early detection of developing slope failures at mines and enables accu- rate movement detections of fast-moving slopes in rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. The MSR IV Esprit uses the latest core radar technologies to increase the safety reaction time between first warning and the possible event of a slope failure – thereby contributing to the confidence of
Fastest scanning slope monitoring radar launched
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The MSR IV Esprit slope monitoring radar.
44 MODERN MINING August 2019
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