Modern Mining December 2016
Workshop cranes installed at coal mine
Three high capacity double -girder overhead travelling workshop cranes, com- pleted on schedule for Exxaro and installed recently at Grootegeluk coal mine in North West Province, are undergoing commis- sioning trials. The three cranes, ordered to assist with large vehicle maintenance, were manufac- tured by Condra on behalf of East Rand Cranes, the company’s authorised distrib- utor for North West Province. East Rand Cranes secured the R7-million-plus con- tract in April. Two of the cranes are identical 18,4-m span 50/20-ton machines fitted with vari- able frequency drives on the main hoists to facilitate precise positioning of very heavy loads. Exxaro’s third crane, also with a span of 18,4 m, has one 20-ton hoist. Design of all three cranes was described by a Condra spokesman as “standard”, although they feature live-axle drives across their design in place of the more common ring-gear configuration, part of
Condra’s mandate to keep maintenance costs to a minimum. Other non-standard elements of the Exxaro contract include special LED light- ing, limit switches on the long-travels and cross-travels, and armoured cable on all wiring. East Rand Cranes is thought to have won the Exxaro order because of a com- bination of competitive pricing, machine durability, after sales service and Condra’s ability to meet short lead times. Although competitors for this contract included companies from Europe and China, they were not able to overcome East Rand Cranes’record of very high levels of on-site after sales service, and Condra’s ability to manufacture on short notice. “We have developed manufacturing techniques over the past 50 years that enable us to fast-track production and accommodate the tight deadlines that today’s global markets often demand,” commented Condra’s MD, Marc Kleiner.
“We also pursue a market-imposed mandate to continuously drive down machine maintenance costs, which is why we offer live-axle drives. “Our gearboxes were up-rated some years back to deliver additional power, and the company today uses a 36B case- hardened material on most pinions. This material, though expensive, is beneficial in extending crane lifespan. “Additionally, we fit our hoists wher- ever possible with high tensile-strength ropes to reduce rope diameter and enable a reduction in drumdiameter and a smaller One of the three cranes for Grootegeluk undergoing load testing at Condra’s Germiston factory.
gearbox and motor.” Condra, tel (+27 11) 776-6000
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