Modern Mining December 2017
Functional and affordable ‘comms’ for underground
Communication systems for under- ground coal and hard rock mines from Ya Batho offer both a high level of functional- ity and an affordable cost of ownership.The company’s products have been designed and are manufactured locally. Active in the market since 2010, Ya Batho grew quickly from its focus on fibre optics installation and has become a provider of direct contracting services to major players in the mining industry. Through its commitment to reliable and quality workmanship, it has grown its business to encompass turnkey solutions in the layout and design of communica- tion systems. Ya Batho also supplies fibre optic infrastructure, leaky feeder com- munication systems, medium frequency radios and Wi-Fi infrastructure and acces- sories. It also maintains and services the equipment it supplies. The operation specialises in installing and splicing new fibre optic cables and repairing existing cables, testing their splicing integrity and issuing certificates verifying this splicing integrity, whether on surface or underground. It offers the Trinity range of leaky feeder products, designed to improve the quality
and functionality of underground com- munications. For all medium frequency communication requirements, Ya Batho has the Kutta range of products. These medium frequency radios work with exist- ing mine infrastructure to transmit voice and tracking data to surface. To meet mines’ Wi-Fi requirements, the company uses the MCOTECH range of products underground and on surface, including wireless access point networks, intrinsically safe Android tablets for use in fiery mines and VoIP wireless handsets. It also offers various fit-for-purpose fire sup- pression products to address fire hazards that could jeopardise the functionality of the communication system. Ya Batho is Level 4 BBBEE compliant. Its current customer base spans the Wit watersrand goldfields area and the eastern andwestern limbs of the BushveldComplex. Booyco Electronics, tel 0861 BOOYCO (266926) Kutta medium frequency radios work with exist- ing mine infrastructure. the valve flanges from the pipe flanges loosening the sleeve, so that it can be removed in line. The quick release clamps holding the two halves together are removed. The top half is then raised using the two hydraulic cylinders mounted on the bridge and operated by a hand pump. In the raised position, the old sleeve can be lifted out and the new one fitted in position,” said Gregor Hopton, Afrivalve’s Group Marketing Manager. “The process is then reversed with the body being allowed to drop by releasing the oil in the cylinders back to the res- ervoir – the clamps are refitted and line bolting replaced.” The Red Roc Hi-Lift pinch valves are manufactured by Afrivalve, a division of eDART Slurry Valves, at eDART Slurry Valve’s facilities in Jet Park, Gauteng. Gregor Hopton, Afrivalve, tel (+27 11) 791-1411, email:
HOISTING SOLUTIONS Winder Controls is a leader in the mechanical, electrical and hydraulic design, manufacture and installa- tion of mine winders and related equipment. Our designs comply with the latest international safety and reliability standards including SIL assessments where applicable. Our services include relocations, refur- bishment and upgrades, as well as full aftersales and maintenance support. In addition we offer a range of special products including steel wire rope handling equipment, Three Chamber Energy recovery systems and Nuclear Waste Disposal Technology.
Valve sleeve changed in just 80 minutes The standard practice for replacing a sleeve in any pinch valve is to remove the valve from the line which requires the use of a crane for all but the smallest valves. The valve is then stripped, the sleeve replaced and the valve rebuilt. It is then reinstalled in the line – a process requiring the attention of several fitters and mill- wrights that can take several hours at best. With the patented Red Roc Hi-Lift feature, the valve remains in the line and the sleeve can be replaced in a much shorter time with only two fitters.
Tel: +27 (0)11 383 9300
Fax: +27 (0)11 383 9305 email:
On 15 September 2017 at a nickel mine in Mpumalanga, a Red Roc valve sleeve was changed in 80 minutes and reduced the plant downtime by at least ten hours. “The process is simple and only involves removing the bolts holding the top half of the body in the line and slackening the ones in the bottom half. Jacking bolts on the valve flanges spread
December 2017 MODERN MINING 37
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