Modern Mining December 2018


scraper reclaimers, portal and semi-portal scraper reclaimers, cantilever scraper reclaim- ers as well as wagon unloading systems. “There is a big population of SCHADE machines in South Africa and some neighbour- ing states. These machines require repairs and maintenance, spare parts and sometimes refur- bishment or upgrades for higher throughput,

engineering and superior quality. SCHADE expertise is best demonstrated by the outstand- ing service life of their stockyard and blending bed equipment operating worldwide under severe conditions. SCHADE products include stockyards and blending beds of circular or longitudi- nal shape, stackers, tripper cars, bridge-type

Above: ACH refurbishment project of a SCHADE circular reclaimer showing the five- crane simultaneous lift of the harrow. Below: SCHADE 3 000 t/h portal scraper reclaimer on an export coal stockyard near Middelburg, Mpumalanga.


December 2018  MODERN MINING  31

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