Modern Mining December 2021


Customised conveyor solutions to suit individual applications With full conveyor design and project execution capabilities, NEPEAN Conveyors, a privately-owned Australian company specialising in the design, in-house manufacture, installation

and servicing of overland, underground and surface belt conveyor systems and bulk materials handling equipment and projects, can provide customised conveyor solutions to suit individual client requirements. By Mark Botha .

NEPEAN Conveyors South Africa GM Willem Niemandt (left), and sales manager Jacques Steyn. (Pty) Ltd. was founded five years later and is now well established in coal and hard rock mining in both surface and underground applications. “We have full conveyor design and project exe- cution capabilities and, given our experience and proven designs, we’re able to provide customised conveyor solutions to suit individual client require- ments,” says Niemandt. “Our local drawing office uses the Autodesk Suites, and is supported by expe- rienced and certified engineers.” He says all work is followed up with an in- house quality system that fully integrates with the client’s needs. The company’s plants in Australia are ISO 9001 listed companies while NEPEAN Conveyors South Africa is ISO 9001 accredited. “Our systems engineers are constantly improv- ing standard and specialised products through close interaction with customers and suppliers, and by adopting industry best practice,” says Niemandt. “With all facilities accredited to relevant ISO 9000 quality standards, our processes and practices con- form to ensure products and services meet and often exceed our customer expectations.” Static, dynamic conveyor calculations Using advanced conveyor design software solu- tions, NEPEAN Conveyors’ belt conveyor engineers specialise in performing complex static and dynamic power and tension analysis for al l conveyor configurations.

T he company’s divisions comprise General Engineering Services, Building & Infrastructure Products, Transport Equipment and Mining Products and Services, of which NEPEAN Conveyors is a subsidiary. According to NEPEAN Conveyors South Africa GM Willem Niemandt, the company acquired the Sandvik conveyor component business in 2017. Subsequent to the acquisition, the Prok, Gurtek and Roxon component brands, which had been traded as Sandvik brands, were rebranded as the Australian Prok, German Gurtek and Finnish Roxon brands respectively. Other subsidiaries under Mining Products and Services include NEPEAN Longwall, NEPEAN Power PROK, GURTEC AND ROXON. The company’s Johannesburg-based South Africa office focuses on conveyors, including overland, plant, surface and underground, belt and conveyors, belt feeders, con- stant tension winches, as well as belt maintenance equipment such as belt clamps and splicing stations. It supplies markets in Australia and Africa.

A 3D model of a diverter plough.

NEPEAN’s activity in South Africa started in 1990 when its products were repre- sented under license for f ive years. NEPEAN Co n v e y o r s

“Our team has decades of design experience with some of the most difficult and complex conveyor systems in the wor ld, wi th an intimate knowledge o f t r ans i en t l oads , b r ak i ng , r egene r a t i on , horizontal curves and inter-

mediate (tripper) drives for long overland, sur- face and underground

20  MODERN MINING  December 2021

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