Modern Mining December 2023


Product innovation and geographic expansion With mining accounting for as much as 70% of business, the sector is a significant generator of revenue for equipment manufacturer, Bell Equipment, which recently posted a sterling set of interim results for the period ended 30 June 2023. By Nelendhre Moodley .

T he JSE-listed entity’s revenue increased by 42% to R6 004,3 million (2022: R4 229,3 mil lion) with profit from operating activities being 74% higher at R535,9 million (2022: R307,8 million). Bell Equipment is a global manufacturer, distribu tor, and exporter of a wide range of heavy equipment for the construction, mining, quarrying, sugar, and forestry industries. Speaking to Modern Mining soon after its results presentation, Leon Goosen, CEO of Bell Equipment, attributed the company’s profitability to its growth focused strategy, which is underpinned by being a multi-product, multi-industry international player. “As a multi-product global player, we continue

Right: Bell E-series large trucks, such as the B45E, are packed with 35 years of experience in ADT design and manufacturing.

Below: Bell ADTs marry the best in engine and drivetrain technology.

to experience exponential growth in international markets. We have tracked phenomenal growth in the US market, have become a market leader in most European countries, done extremely well in Indonesia and Australia, and have shown that, as a South African company, we can tackle the world.” Goosen explains that in looking to capitalise on markets in the Northern Hemisphere, Bell Equipment recently invested heavily in the development of a plant in Germany to ensure it remains close to its international client base. “Further to this, we are also investing locally in the African market as well as in new product developments.” Mining - a key driver of growth Bell Equipment’s product range is ideally suited to the construction sector, in particular, bulk earthworks and large-scale infrastructure projects, including road, water and sanitation, and ports. However, given that investment into large-scale infrastructure developments in South Africa remains sluggish, the equipment manufacturer has looked to the Northern Hemisphere, where large-scale infrastructure devel opments continue apace. Locally, Africa’s active mining sector – a key con tributor to the economy of many countries on the


20  MODERN MINING  December 2023

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