Modern Mining December 2023







COVER 8 Ubuntu: Brelko pays it forward COMMODITIES OUTLOOK 10 Climate targets threatened by reduced funding for mining ENERGY 12 Minergy suffers knock-on effects of soft coal price BASE METALS 14 Orion Minerals outlines Prieska’s path to production MINING INSURANCE 18 Africa Specialty Risk –Insuring African miners MATERIALS HANDLING 20 Innovation and geographic expansion underpin Bell Equipment’s success 24 FLSmidth redefines, aligns to a ‘greener’ future 28 Conveyor Dust and Spillage: The Importance of Skirtboard Sealing Systems BLASTING & EXPLOSIVES 30 Omnia Holdings and Hypex in strategic partnership 31 AECI Mining awarded explosives contract in Papua New Guinea



4 NextSource Materials announces first bulk shipment of SuperFlake Kodal and Hainan Group to complete Bougouni Lithium funding package State Diamond Trader appoints Nosiphiwo Mzamo as new CEO 5 Monte Muambe Scoping Study results Andrada Mining commences Brandberg West exploration programme 6 ERG to build a cobalt beneficiation facility in the DRC Test-work at Bengwenyama establishes mine design parameters 7 Anglo American and Mitsubishi Materials collaborate on copper value chain Jubilee announces award of a New Slag Project with Mopani Copper Mines Orosur Mining inks lithium JV COLUMNIST: ROSS HARVEY 32 Mining as a key to solving youth unemployment SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS 38 Bell launches new Bell Heavy Industries division Astec’s GT205 screening ‘beast’ exceeds expectations of Lizarox 39 Sandvik Rock Processing drives manufacturing agility BJD Crushers supplies major order to African copper mine 40 Northern Cape mine smooths flow with Weba Chutes ACTOM turns 120 and remains upbeat about African prospects SANY expands its reach with new Richard’s Bay branch

ON THE COVER South Africans have an innate competitive streak and the resilience to back it up, says Brelko MD Kenny Padayachee, who likens the fortitude of local business to the heroics of the Springboks (pg 8).

December 2023  MODERN MINING  1

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