Modern Mining February 2022
of our planning, with an established in-country team working alongside the exploration team. “We recently appointed Doctor Cathryn MacCallum to the post of head of ESG as we recognise that ESG is a fundamental element in reducing risk right across company,” says Evjen. Evjen: “We also recognise the need to work with the local community – not with handouts, but with long-term initiatives that allow the locals to build and improve their own community.” In 2022, the company will roll out a number of initiatives to benefit the local community, from job creation activities through to infrastructure projects. “Contrary to what may be expected, Akobo is also happy to lend its own experience to both the Ethiopian government and other potential mining companies in order to develop the industry in-country. We believe that there are significant opportunities to expand Ethiopian mining which will, in turn, benefit Akobo as it helps to build a true ecosystem of mining operators and service providers. This will make the country more stable and reduce social, operational and financial risk.” Infrastructure development The company recently funded and built a new airstrip – a core element in its plans for operational expansion. Built over the course of just 70 days for design, approval and con- struction, the 1 100 m airstrip opened at the beginning of February and lies within a short walk of Akobo’s camp. It will help the company to bring in goods and personnel more effec- tively, allow for any medical evacuation and, not least, provide a secure transportation route of gold to Addis Ababa prior to onward distribution to international buyers once gold production commences later this year. Until now, the nearest airstrip was located in Jima, a journey of at least six hours by road. The area, while remote, has been the focus of a number of strategic infrastructure initiatives by the government in the past decade. “Over and above the construction of the airstrip, Akobo has contrib- uted to these efforts in a small way and as it moves forward it also sees its role of good neighbour and contributor to the sustainable devel- opment of the district and region as strategic to accelerating its own development,” says Evjen. Access to water remains a concern and the company is currently collaborating with authorities to determine what can be done to improve essential infrastructure work and bring clean water projects to the community.
February 2022 MODERN MINING 23
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