Modern Mining February 2022
operational through the Covid-19 pandemic, ensur- ing that mines could continue producing optimally as essential services even during the ‘lockdown’ months. “We are staying abreast of the latest global sus- tainability trends and corporate mandates, having installed a 420-panel solar energy system to gener- ate 100 kW of power to our facility,” he says. This supplies about 75% of requirements, and reduces the operation’s carbon footprint by over 400 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
targeted training programmes for operators as well as technical and supervisory staff. “We are also looking forward to mineral develop- ments in Botswana, where activity on the Kalahari copper belt has created significant opportunities for the mining industry,” he says. “In the near future we will see copper and diamond operations going underground, which is an exciting prospect.” Bagshaw notes that Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions’ Harare facility has remained fully
Above: The Technology Centre at the Sandvik Mining & Rock Solutions’ Harare operation.
Left: The drifter repair and test centre at the Sandvik Harare site.
February 2022 MODERN MINING 33
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